
Europatat’s position paper on EU-UK Future Trade Agreement
maart 16, 2020

Europatat's position paper on EU-UK Future Trade Agreement

Following the Council’s green light to the opening of negotiations for a new partnership with the UK, Europatat has sent a position paper to the EU-UK negotiation team, as well as to the relevant officials in DG AGRI and DG SANTE.
februari 24, 2020

NEPG: 'Potato season 2020/21 will be challenging'

Over the last years, the area for consumption potatoes has been increased with 6,5 % in the 5 leading potato countries. If there is an increase again this year, combined with an average yield the balance between demand and supply could lead to...
Europatat Congress 2020: Registrations open!
februari 11, 2020

Europatat Congress 2020: Registrations open!

Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, is pleased to announce the opening of registrations for the upcoming annual Europatat Congress that will take place in Brussels, Belgium, on 11 and 12 June 2020 at the beautiful Amigo Hotel.
Belpotato.be: Interbranch organization takes off in Belgium
januari 23, 2020

Belpotato.be to become the single voice of the entire potato industry in Belgium

On January 20, the foundation deed of Belpotato.be was officially signed in Huldenberg. The composition of the Executive Board ensures that there are balances between growers, traders and processors, and between Dutch and French speakers.
Belgapom: Maximum effort required to remove CIPC from potato storage sheds
januari 13, 2020

Belgapom: Maximum effort required to remove CIPC from potato storage sheds

Entering a new era in potato storage: Belgapom has formulated its position on how to handle chlorpropham as of the 2020 harvest.
Making The Future Of Food Sustainable
november 25, 2019

Making The Future Of Food Sustainable

Nicolai Prytz, sustainability and strategy director at TOMRA, has looked at how businesses, consumers and policymakers can help make the future of food sustainable.
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TOMRA 3A Improves Output and Productivity for Premium Potato Producer
november 21, 2019

TOMRA 3A improves output and productivity for Premium Potato Producer

By using the TOMRA 3A high-performance sorting machine Duchemin (Caen, France) are able to ensure their potatoes are a premium product.
NEPG countries see modest potato production due to below average yields
oktober 29, 2019

NEPG countries see modest potato production due to below average yields

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) have released a new potato production estimate for consumption potatoes in the leading 5 North-Western potato countries. If all potatoes will be lifted totally about 26.9 million tons will be harvested.
oktober 25, 2019

Nieuwe AVR Puma 4.0 connecteert machinedata met de landbouwer

Op de komende Agritechnica stelt AVR voor de allereerste keer zijn nieuwe Puma 4.0 voor. De vierrijige aardappelrooier is de opvolger van de bekende Puma 3, maar is nu volledig cloud geconnecteerd.
Este año no se prevé un rendimiento alto de patatas en Bélgica
oktober 09, 2019

Este año no se prevé un rendimiento alto de patatas en Bélgica

Aunque todavía se tiene que empezar a recolectar, en la empresa belga De Aardappelhoeve tienen bastante claro que el rendimiento de las patatas no llegará a niveles récord este año.
september 14, 2019

Grote capaciteitsuitbreiding Aviko dankzij nieuwe frietfabriek in Belgisch Poperinge

Aviko, één van Europa’s grootste producenten van verse, diepgevroren, gedroogde en specialty aardappelproducten, gaat een geheel nieuwe frietfabriek bouwen in Poperinge in België.
Potato Europe attracts wide audience
september 11, 2019

Potato Europe attracts wide audience

Growers, suppliers, grubbing demonstrations - everything to do with potatoes. That is what the latest edition of Potato Europe was all about. This year, this trade show was held in Doornik/Tournai, Belgium on 4 and 5 September.
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NEPG estimates upcoming potato harvest on almost 5 years average level
september 10, 2019

NEPG estimates upcoming potato harvest on almost 5 years average level

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) estimates the
forecasted potato harvest 2019 between 27 and 27,3 million tons for the
5 leading potato countries. This is 3% more than the 5 years average and
12% more than last year.
Made for sorting potatoes by the grower: the new TOMRA 3A improves on the FPS
september 06, 2019

Made for sorting potatoes by the grower: the new TOMRA 3A improves on the Field Potato Sorter (FPS)

TOMRA Sorting Food has introduced the TOMRA 3A sensor-based sorting machine for freshly harvested root crops, offering potato growers unrivalled sorting capabilities, dependability, and affordability.
An international fair at the heart of the Belgian potato sector.
september 02, 2019

Potato Europe 2019, an international fair at the heart of the Belgian potato sector.

On 4 and 5 September the international potato fair PotatoEurope 2019 will take place in
Tournai. That the fair continues to grow is demonstrated by the fact that there are almost
20% more exhibitors from 17 different countries.
AVR shows new digging unit at Potato Europe 2019
augustus 30, 2019

AVR shows new digging unit at Potato Europe 2019

At the upcoming Potato Europe in Kain, Belgium, agricultural machinery manufacturer AVR is presenting its new quick-change digging unit. As of 2020, this option will be available on all 2-row trailed AVR harvesters.
Dewulf to present new options for RA3060, Kwatro and MH series during Potato Europe 2019
augustus 21, 2019

Dewulf to present new options for its potato harvesters during PotatoEurope 2019

Dewulf, full-liner in machines for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops, will place particular focus on haulm processing, sieving capacity and roller cleaning during Potato Europe ’19.
augustus 21, 2019

POTATO EUROPE 2019: Met minder dan drie weken te gaan, is het tijd voor een update.

Eind april werd het laatste pootgoed op het demoterrein van PotatoEurope geplant en tot eind mei bleven de deelnemingsaanvragen binnen stromen. Met minder dan drie weken te gaan, is het tijd voor een update.


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