
Reduced nitrogen fertilization: Potato varieties react differently
januari 08, 2024

Potato varieties react differently to reduced nitrogen fertilization: thesis

The German Potato Industry Association (DKHV) honored Christin Meyer's thesis on nitrogen fertilization of (starch) potatoes, research carried out at the University of Göttingen.
Bayer Serenade
september 16, 2023

Bayer finds in-furrow application of biological fungicide Serenade boosts potato quality and potato vitality

Serenade is a biological fungicide based on a living bacterium derived from nature. In extensive trials, Bayer identified a number of positive effects on the potato crop.
Europlant presents 'low input' potato varieties
december 29, 2021

Europlant presents 'low input' potato varieties

Europlant presents potato varieties with high nutrient efficiency. The high-yielding and high-quality special varieties for low input production protect the environment and save costs.


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