
Smartphone app Nuru helps farmers control potato and sweet potato diseases
april 14, 2022

Smartphone app Nuru helps farmers control potato and sweetpotato diseases

Free smartphone app Nuru helps African potato farmers to detect late blight (Phytophthora) and early blight (Alternaria) since 2021
Nakuru City, Kenya
juli 20, 2014

Kenya: Late-Blight-Resistant Potato Seed for Nakuru

Nakuru will test and release (late blight resistant) varieties of potato seeds for small-scale farmers, Agriculture executive Dr Stanley Chepkwony has said.
 Anne Njoroge
maart 13, 2013

Phytophthora infestans KE-1 is spreading rapidly across East Africa

Njoroge is studying a new lineage of Phytophthora infestans called KE-1 that is spreading rapidly across East Africa.


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