Aardappelvirus Y

Argentina lanza la primera papa resistente al virus PVY
december 11, 2018

Argentina lanza la primera papa resistente al virus PVY

Después de 20 años de investigaciones, esta variedad saldrá a la venta el año que viene, con beneficios productivos y económicos estimados en 45 millones de dólares por año, sólo en el mercado argentino.
Number of NZ potato farms affected by Potato mop-top virus increases by 18
oktober 14, 2018

Number of NZ potato farms affected by Potato mop-top virus increases by 18

The scale of the Potato Mop-Top Virus problem on New Zealand South Island potato farms has widened. Eighteen Canterbury farms are now on the suspect list, after the virus was first confirmed on two properties last month.
First time detection of Potato Mop-Top Virus (MPTV) in New Zealand
september 23, 2018

First time detection of Potato Mop-Top Virus (MPTV) in New Zealand

Biosecurity New Zealand is working with Potatoes New Zealand to respond to a detection of Potato mop-top virus (PMTV) in potato tubers in Canterbury. Though common around the world, it is the first time the virus has been found in New Zealand.
Range of potato experiments underway at Maine Research Farm (Aroostook)
augustus 12, 2018

Range of potato experiments underway at Maine Research Farm (Aroostook)

Farmers, researchers and members of the public gathered at the University of Maine’s Aroostook Research Farm in Presque Isle last Wednesday to learn about the latest in potato research.
Three new seed potato varieties from the UK recommended for export to Kenya
juli 01, 2018

Three new seed potato varieties from the UK recommended for export to Kenya

Based on extensive trials (two years, three separate farms, ten potato varieties) in a joint effort of AHDB, James Hutton Ltd, SASA and Seeds2B Africa (part of the Syngenta Foundation) three GB potato varieties have been recommended for release in Kenya.
New potato variety in India, Kufri Lima, to take on the heat...
oktober 16, 2017

New potato variety in India, Kufri Lima, to take on the heat...

Farmers in India can expect higher yields and profits with the release of a new potato variety, Kufri Lima, developed by the International Potato Center (CIP) and the Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI)
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New Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet will help US potato industry meet more stringent regulation
juni 27, 2017

New Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet will help US potato industry meet more stringent regulation

Two recently released new Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet - should help the potato industry in the Pacific Northwest cope with more stringent regulations on soil fumigants
IPM approach seed potato growers Kangaroo Island hops to mainland Australia
juni 19, 2017

IPM approach seed potato growers Kangaroo Island hops to mainland Australia

Seed potato growers on Kangaroo Island - an island off the mainland of South Australia - are successfully adopting a new strategy to manage the aphids and thrips pestering their crops, taking on expert advice from agronomists and entomologists to adopt integrated pest management for these insect pests.
Cómo aumentar la producción de papa usando técnicas sencillas (o cómo manejar integralmente la sanidad de la semilla de papa)
november 14, 2016

Cómo aumentar la producción de papa usando técnicas sencillas (o cómo manejar integralmente la sanidad de la semilla de papa)

Esta nota analiza el problema de la degeneración de la semilla, detalla la estrategia propuesta del Programa del CGIAR de Raíces, Tubérculos y Banano, y describe cinco técnicas sencillas para mejorar la calidad de la semilla y aumentar la producción de papa.
Experto mundial en virología analiza situación de la papa en Chile (Entrevista)
oktober 10, 2016

Experto mundial en virología analiza situación de la papa en Chile (Entrevista)

El Dr. Luis Salazar visitó el país invitado por el Consorcio Papa Chile. Su visión de la situación actual de la papa frente a los virus que le atacan; las debilidades y fortalezas del rubro en Chile, y sus consejos, en esta entrevista exclusiva.
New Potato Virus Y strains very difficult to detect with the naked eye
juli 13, 2016

New Potato Virus Y strains very difficult to detect with the naked eye

Several newly evolved strains of the disease known as potato virus Y, or PVY, can render potatoes unmarketable and reduce crop yield. What’s worse is the new viruses are particularly difficult to detect with the naked eye.
AUSVEG: Wasp warfare with avid aphid-eating parasites can help prevent resistence
juli 06, 2016

AUSVEG: Wasp warfare with avid aphid-eating parasites can help prevent pesticide resistance

With pesticide resistance rising in species of aphids which feed on potatoes and spread viruses, one of the best control options for growers battling these pests may be found in nature, free of charge: parasitic wasps.
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Blemishes of Table Potatoes: Common Biotic Causes
maart 23, 2016

Blemishes of Table Potatoes: Common Biotic Causes

Potato tubers are affected by a number of blemishes, which can cause severe economic losses. This 'Focus on Potato' presentation by Jacquie van der Waals, Professor at the University of Pretoria in South Africa can serve as a guide for growers and others in the potato industry to help with identification of these blemishes.
Quick and early disease detection by drones with hyperspectral camera
januari 27, 2016

Quick and early disease detection by drones with hyperspectral camera

Idaho State University researchers have found high-tech cameras mounted on drones flying 60 meters above potato fields can effectively detect individual diseased and stressed plants.
Argentina: Tecnoplant desarrolla cultivares de papa resistentes al virus PVY
oktober 02, 2015

Argentina: Tecnoplant desarrolla cultivares de papa resistentes al virus PVY

Tecnoplant, la división de agrobiotecnología del Grupo Sidus, ha desarrollado cultivares de papa resistentes al ataque de virus que, en la Argentina, pueden provocar mermas de hasta un 70 por ciento en la producción.
La mosca blanca es el mejor vector de uno de los virus que más afecta a la papa
december 04, 2014

La mosca blanca es el mejor vector de uno de los virus que más afecta a la papa

Resumen de la conferencia magistral que sobre el tema se presentó en el XXVI Congreso bienal de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), celebrado en Bogotá entre el 28 de septiembre y el 2 de octubre de 2014.
Potato Virus S may break down Phytophthora resistance in potato
september 28, 2014

Potato Virus S may break down Phytophthora resistance in potato

In a study published this summer, scientists of the Washington State University found that potato virus S (PVS) breaks down late blight resistance in potato.
Virologist Brenda Coutts has been named the 2014 AUSVEG Researcher of the Year
juli 03, 2014

Virologist Brenda Coutts has been named the 2014 AUSVEG Researcher of the Year

The West Australian virologist Brenda Coutts has been named the 2014 AUSVEG Researcher of the Year.


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