Odisha (India) to grow potatoes on 25.000 hectares
juli 23, 2016

Odisha (India) to grow potatoes on 25.000 hectares

Potato shortages put consumers in the Indian State Odisha and the Odisha State government in trouble year after year. Now the Odisha State Government has announced an ambitious plan to cultivate potato in 25,000 hectares of land.
España: Recomendaciones para la aplicación de desecantes en papa
juli 22, 2016

España: Recomendaciones para la aplicación de desecantes en papa

Con los precios de patata altos siempre puede surgir la duda entre dejar acabar el ciclo a la planta, lo que supone un considerable aumento en cuanto a la producción, o ‘quemarla’ con algún desecante para poder arrancar lo antes posible y asegurar esos precios, a pesar de obtener menos en kilos.
Late blight detected in a Western Manitoba Potato Crop
juli 19, 2016

Late blight detected in a Western Manitoba Potato Crop

Manitoba's first case of late blight for the year was found in a western Manitoba field over the weekend.
Potato supplier Park Farm named Southern Champion Grower by McCain Foods UK
juli 16, 2016

Potato supplier Park Farm named Southern Champion Grower by McCain Foods UK

McCain Foods GB has recognised Park Farm near Leominister for its exceptional achievements over the potato crop year. Bill and Nicky Smith, of Park Farm, have received the Southern Champion Grower Award from popular chip brand McCain.
USAID project helps Potato Farmers in Kyrgyzstan
juli 07, 2016

USAID project helps Potato Farmers in Kyrgyzstan

The Aravan Agro Service in Kyrgyzstan more than doubled its potato yield and profits in 2016 by partnering with the United States through the USAID Agro Horizon project.
AUSVEG: Wasp warfare with avid aphid-eating parasites can help prevent resistence
juli 06, 2016

AUSVEG: Wasp warfare with avid aphid-eating parasites can help prevent pesticide resistance

With pesticide resistance rising in species of aphids which feed on potatoes and spread viruses, one of the best control options for growers battling these pests may be found in nature, free of charge: parasitic wasps.
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Display of a wide range of potato products
juli 06, 2016

Potato Trade show Interpom | Primeurs 2016 focuses on Precision Technology

Interpom | Primeurs 2016 promises to be the biggest edition of this potato event ever and the 2016 theme is: 'Growing through precision technology'.
Colorado Potato Beetles are munching on in the Red River Valley
juli 02, 2016

Colorado Potato Beetles are munching on in the Red River Valley

According to the University of Minnesota Extension 'Spudbug' Newsletter, it is shaping up to be a Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB) year in the Red River Valley.
Potato acreage North-western Europe grown by 5 percent, estimates NEPG
juni 29, 2016

Potato acreage North-western Europe increased by 5 percent, expects NEPG

The North-western European Potato growers (NEPG) expect the combined potato acreage in Belgium, Germany, France, The Netherlands and Great Britain to be 552.000 hectares (1.36 million acres). This is an increase of 4.9 percent compared to last year.
NEPG: Aardappel-areaal in Noord-west Europa groeit 5 procent
juni 29, 2016

NEPG: Aardappel-areaal in Noord-west Europa groeit 5 procent

De NEPG (North-western European Potato Growers) verwacht in North-Western Europe een areaal van 552.000 hectare consumptieaardappelen. Dit is 4,9% meer dan vorig seizoen.
Potato machinery manufacturer AVR bvba inaugurates its new assembly line
juni 28, 2016

Potato machinery manufacturer AVR inaugurates its new assembly line

In early June, AVR bvba - manufacturer of agricultural machinery for a.o. the potato sector - officially opened its new production facility in the presence of Governor Carl Decaluwé, Mayor Kris Declercq and Roeselare Aldermen Marc Van Walleghem, Nathalie Muylle and Griet Coppé.
McCain Foods Limited now a strategic partner and investor in Resson
juni 22, 2016

McCain Foods Limited now a strategic partner and investor in agricultural data specialist Resson

Resson, a fast-growing data-driven agriculture technology company, today announced that McCain Foods Limited is now a strategic partner and is part of a $US 11 million (about $CDN 14 million) Series B investment round in the company.
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Biological control of Potato Psyllids by Parasitic Wasp approved by New Zealand Authority
juni 20, 2016

Biological control of Potato Psyllids by Parasitic Wasp approved by New Zealand Authority

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of New Zealand has approved a type of parasitic wasp as a biological control agent to combat the tomato potato psyllid (a plant louse), which attacks tomatoes, potatoes, capsicums and tamarillos in the country.
Potato Farming on Prince Edward Island: Trying Something New
juni 16, 2016

Potato Farming on Prince Edward Island: Trying Something New

For years, PEI potato farmer Robert Green has been growing barley and canola in rotation with potatoes. This season, he’s decided to try something new.
 ‘Focus on Potato’ Webinar: Late Blight Management
juni 16, 2016

‘Focus on Potato’ Webinar: Late Blight Management

Late blight is a potentially destructive disease of potato and tomato crops worldwide that can result in significant losses if detected too late, diagnosed incorrectly, or if not treated properly.
Venezolano trabaja con la NASA en el cultivo de papas en Marte
juni 15, 2016

Venezolano trabaja con la NASA en el cultivo de papas en Marte

Hace cinco meses la noticia de que la NASA estudia sembrar papas en Marte sorprendía al mundo. Pero lo que no se dijo en esa ocasión es que uno de los científicos que forma parte del equipo que trabaja en ese proyecto, Juan Carlos Chávez, es un diseñador industrial venezolano, que emigró a tierras peruanas hace casi dos años.
Research: Drones as delivery mechanism for biological control agents
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Research: Drones as delivery vehicle for biological control agents

The University of Southern Denmark is developing an ecodrone that will combat pests in completely new ways.
Kangaroo Island (South Australia) potato producer wins industry award
juni 12, 2016

Kangaroo Island (South Australia) potato producer wins industry award

Kangaroo Island (South Australia) potato producer Peter Cooper has been named the 2016 Rabobank Potatoes South Australia and Ruralco Industry Award winner.


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