Dewulf Kwatro finds extremely good flow
december 12, 2022

Dewulf Potato harvester Kwatro finds extremely good flow

Since 2016, the current generation of Dewulf's 4-row potato harvester Kwatro Xtreme has been known for, among other things, its constriction-free sieving path and having the largest bunker in its market segment.
María Gómez, joven universitaria intibucana
december 05, 2022

Honduras: Joven universitaria sigue legado ancestral del cultivo de la papa

María Gómez, es la joven universitaria intibucana de 20 años de edad; un ejemplo de su generación para los que no estudian y abandonan el campo.
Potato production in Kazakhstan increased by almost 12% in 2022
december 05, 2022

Potato production in Kazakhstan increased by almost 12% in 2022

In Kazakhstan potato production increased by 11.9% in 2022. According to the Minister of Agriculture of the country, Kazakhstan can provide potatoes not only for the domestic market but also for the neighboring countries.
Turning potato chips climate friendly in Argentina
december 04, 2022

Turning potato chips climate friendly in Argentina

Yara has signed a memorandum of understanding with El Parque Papas to deliver green fertilizer in 2023. Famous racing car champion turned farmer, Mr. Walter Hernández, met with Svein Tore Holsether, CEO of Yara
RNA-based biopesticide technology delivers 98% mortality of Colorado potato beetle in independent test
december 03, 2022

Renaissance BioScience Corp adds Senior Executive Expertise to Push Commercialization of its RNA Production and Oral Delivery Platform Technology

Renaissance BioScience Corp., a leader in bioengineering for the global agriculture and food industries, has retained the services of S. Brad Griffith to assist Renaissance in commercializing its RNA production
december 02, 2022

Potato sector gets together en masse for record-breaking edition of Interpom attracting 20,254 visitors

Over the past few days, a large number of people involved in the potato sector attended this record-breaking edition of Interpom held in Kortrijk Xpo (B).
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Corteva Signed Agreement to Acquire Stoller Group on November 30, 2022
december 01, 2022

Corteva Signed Agreement to Acquire Stoller Group on November 30, 2022

On November 20, 2022, Corteva, Inc. (NYSE: CTVA) and Stoller Group, Inc. ("Stoller") announced that Corteva has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Houston-based Stoller, one of the largest independent Biologicals companies in the industry.
Technical fertilisers can help grow more from less this spring
december 01, 2022

Technical fertilisers can help grow more from less this spring

Farmers are being urged to choose fertiliser products wisely for upcoming spring nitrogen applications – to maximise yields with less inputs.
Riego artificial en campo de patatas
november 27, 2022

El cultivo de papa sin riego artificial es inviable

El sudeste bonaerense es una de las importantes regiones productoras de papa de la Argentina y Tandil. Fernández sostuvo que “hoy en día no existe el cultivo de papa sin pensar en un buen riego”.
Cosecha de patata en Álava, España
november 26, 2022

España: Udapa cosecha un 30 porciento menos de patata en Álava pero de excelente calidad

El calor y la sequía de este año han provocado la merma en los rendimientos pero han favorecido la sanidad del cultivo.
Moving Forward with the Next Generation on Regen Ag
november 25, 2022

Moving Forward with the Next Generation on Regenerative Agriculture

Alyre Poitras is a McCain Foods potato grower in Saint-André, New Brunswick, Canada. He shares his experience with regenerative agriculture and the changes in potato cultivation over time
Success for Case IH and New Holland at SIMA 2022
november 24, 2022

Success for Case IH and New Holland at SIMA 2022

Case IH and New Holland Agriculture, global agricultural brands of CNH Industrial, have received awards at SIMA 2022. Held in Paris, France from November 6 to November 10, SIMA is the showcase
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Local seed potato research promising in Zimbabwe.
november 24, 2022

Local seed potato research promising in Zimbabwe

The Zimbabwe Potato Micro-propagation Association (ZPMA) has spearheaded the resuscitation of seed potato production since this stalled around 2008. The current mandate is to substitute imported seed potato.
Sembradores de papa en Bolivia
november 21, 2022

Bolivia: Suspenden siembra de papa por falta de lluvias

En las comunidades del Distrito 13 de El Alto, suspenden la siembra de papa por falta de lluvias. No hay agua dicen los campesinos y reportan que la sequía comienza a sentirse y va afectando a la producción agropecuaria y ganadera de la zona.
Tapio y Pia Knuuttila, de Skabam y la marca FREX
november 21, 2022

FREX: Una patata finlandesa que ha vuelto a sus raíces

Incluso el sabor de una sabrosa variedad de patata viene determinado en gran medida por el hecho de dar a la planta la cantidad adecuada de agua y nutrientes. Tapio Knuuttila, copropietario de Skabam, en Finlandia, decidió ver cómo sabrían las patatas si se devolviera su cultivo a sus raíces.
Productores de papa en Intibucá
november 20, 2022

La Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (SAG) de Honduras entrega bonos a productores de papa en forma de fertilizante

La Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (SAG) entregó alrededor de 1,000 bonos a productores de papa en el departamento de Intibucá, occidente de Honduras.La ayuda consiste en cinco quintales de fórmula fertilizante 12-21-12, para cada productor.
Tong demonstrates a new vision for labour efficiencies at LAMMA 2023
november 17, 2022

Tong demonstrates a new vision for labour efficiencies at LAMMA 2023

Tong Engineering is set to demonstrate its latest handling equipment advances that focus on overcoming
post-harvest labour challenges, at the UK’s largest agricultural machinery show, LAMMA in January.
NEPG reports a 6% drop in potato production in North Western Europe and warns high costs could reduce potato area in 2023
november 17, 2022

NEPG reports a 6% drop in potato production in North-western Europe and warns high costs could reduce potato area in 2023

During its last meeting on November 9, 2022, the NEPG estimated that the total potato production 2022 in the NEPG zone (EU-04) will be down by 6 % compared to last year.


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