CIP fomenta una mayor producción de papas y oportunidades inclusivas en Georgia.
september 20, 2022

CIP fomenta una mayor producción de papas y oportunidades inclusivas en Georgia

La papa es un pilar de la dieta georgiana, se come casi a diario y se utiliza en platos tradicionales como kartopilis kinkali (albóndigas de papa). Los georgianos consumen un promedio de 55 kg de papas al año.
Georgia Potato Forum looks forward with optimism
januari 05, 2021

Georgia Potato Forum looks forward with optimism

Last month, key actors from Georgia’s potato sector convened virtually to discuss ideas to enhance the country’s potato sector.
The International Potato Center opens representation in Tbilisi, Geogia
oktober 15, 2017

The International Potato Center opens representation in Tbilisi, Georgia

The International Potato Center (CIP) opened its representation in Tbilisi, Georgia on October 11.
Potato Growers Georgia harvest enough potatoes to reach 100 percent self-sufficiency
oktober 10, 2017

Potato Growers Georgia harvest enough potatoes to reach 100 percent self-sufficiency

Georgia is reducing its dependency on potato imports as this year local farmers harvested enough to meet the needs of the local market.
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