Aardappelrassen en pootaardappelen

Arjan Brouwer, Kiremko
mei 01, 2012

Kiremko brings Dutch potato industry experience to Peru

Arjan Brouwer, Manager Latin America for the Dutch company Kiremko, one of the three most important manufacturers of industrial potato processing equipment in the world, visited Peru, attracted by the market possibilities for potato in the country. He ...
april 30, 2012

Potato genome mapping benefits within a decade, says genetics specialist

Growers could start seeing the benefits of the potato genome being sequenced within the next decade, with varieties bringing new traits such as PCN resistance or improved tuber shape.
Mountain Rose in the White House kitchen garden
april 28, 2012

Colorado State University potatoes well represented in White House Garden

You say potato. I say Colorado. When First Lady Michelle Obama and a passel of schoolchildren recently planted vegetables in the White House kitchen garden, three of five potato varieties plunked into the soil were developed by Colorado State University.
Resultados de ensayos agronómicos de nuevas variedades de papa Puyehue-INIA y Patagonia-INIA.
april 26, 2012

Resultados de ensayos agronómicos de nuevas variedades de papa Puyehue-INIA y Patagonia-INIA

En esta primera temporada de evaluación, los mejores rendimientos en la variedad Puyehue-INIA se obtuvieron con una densidad de plantación de 53.000 plantas por hectárea
 Potato farmers in the Andes
april 23, 2012

Climate change moves Andes potato farmers 150 m up the mountains

Climate Change is adversely impacting potato farming in Peru’s Andes, according to recent findings at the International Potato Center (CIP). More than 10 years of Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping reveal that farmers have ascended the Andes...
april 16, 2012

Klamath Basin now home for Tri-State Potato Variety Development Program

The local extension center in Klamath Falls now develops new varieties of potatoes that farmers from all over the Pacific Northwest — Oregon, Washington and Idaho — will plant for years to come.
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april 13, 2012

Improved potato varieties ensure Peruvian communities have enough to eat

Excessive rains and the increased presence of late blight disease devastated Peru’s Cusco region in 2010, prompting the government to declare a national emergency.
april 09, 2012

Bolivia: INIAF alista cosecha de 1.555 variedades de papa

El Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agropecuaria y Forestal (INIAF) alista para el próximo 28 de abril la cosecha y evaluación de 1.555 variedades de papa, en el Centro de Referencia de Cultivos Alto Andinos de Toralapa-Cochabamba (Estación Experimental de Toralapa), según información divulgada en el portal de la entidad que depende del Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural.
 Fortuna GM potato with resistancy against phytophthora
april 05, 2012

BASF continues field trials with GM potatoes in Europe

BASF Plant Science will again conduct field trials this year with genetically optimized potatoes which are undergoing the EU approval process.
Five Potato Varieties planted in White House Kitchen Garden
maart 30, 2012

Five Potato Varieties planted in White House Kitchen Garden

First Lady Michelle Obama welcomed children from five schools across the country to join her yesterday for the fourth annual spring planting of the White House Kitchen Garden. During the day, the kids planted five varieties of seed potatoes: Sangre, Pu...
 Native potatoes
maart 28, 2012

Investigación para evaluar el impacto de altas temperaturas sobre rendimiento, calidad y propiedades de papas nativas y comerciales

Evaluar el impacto de altas temperaturas sobre el rendimiento, calidad y propiedades saludables de papas nativas y comerciales, es uno de los focos centrales que guia el Fondecyt de iniciacion desarrollado por la
Dra. Carolina Lizana Campos de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la UACh.
maart 26, 2012

Why Ireland needs to test GM potatoes

A major new European Union study is set to examine the effects of growing genetically modified, blight-resistant potato plants on biodiversity and the environment in agricultural ecosystems.
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 Native Potatoes from peru
maart 22, 2012

Se inician preparativos para IV Congreso Nacional de Papa en Andahuaylas

Andahuaylas será sede de la actividad agrícola más importante del año, el IV Congreso Nacional de la Papa, que se llevará a cabo entre el 8 y 11 de agosto del presente año.
maart 18, 2012

Wil Europa onze aardappel wel?

Wageningen UR ontwikkelt een milieuvriendelijke aardappel met resistentiegenen tegen de agressieve aardappelziekte. Het is onduidelijk of de introductie van deze aardappel kans van slagen heeft in het technofobe Europa. Goede kans dat-ie straks in Chin...
 Russian Banana (Courtesy Idaho Potato Commission)
maart 14, 2012

Idaho increases specialty potato market share

Russet potatoes still dominate markets, but specialties are gaining.
 Neiker Tecnalia
maart 14, 2012

La Sociedad Newco promovida por el Instituto Neiker Tecnalia libera tres nuevas variedades de papas en España

La Sociedad Newco promovida por el centro de investigación Neiker Tecnalia saca tres nuevas variedades de patatas. Con este proyecto de investigación, enmarcado en un sector tradicional de Álava como es la producción de patata de siembra, se pretende c...
 Native Potato varieties
maart 11, 2012

Oeraardappelras geadopteerd door Stichting De Bildtse Aardappelweken

Stichting De Bildtse Aardappelweken heeft een oeraardappelras geadopteerd. Voor 5000 dollar is de stichting eigenaar geworden van oerras 700247, een aardappel uit Peru. De genen van deze oerpieper liggen opgeslagen in de Wereldzaadbank op Spitsbergen...
maart 07, 2012

Idaho fresh-packers partner with fingerling farm

Recent growth at Southwind Farms in Heyburn, Idaho, should make it the nation's second largest supplier of fingerling potatoes this season.


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