Aardappelrassen en pootaardappelen

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
januari 19, 2014

Agricultores en Colombia producirán semilla de papa en laboratorio de bajo costo

Un proyecto financiado por Colciencias y liderado por la Corporación PBA y la Universidad Javeriana permitirá la construcción de un laboratorio básico para la producción de materiales iniciales de papa.
Bayer CropScience survey at Potato Expo digs up Potato Industry needs for 2014
januari 13, 2014

Bayer CropScience survey at Potato Expo digs up Potato Industry needs for 2014

According to United States Department of Agriculture’s crop production predictions, average potato yield per acre increased during the 2013 season.

In an effort to propel this upward trend into the New Year, Bayer CropScience launched its Potato Perspectives Survey during Potato Expo in San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 8-10, 2014.
 Skea Organiscs joins Potato Council at Fruit Logistica 2014
januari 09, 2014

UK develops seed potato and horticulture stand at Fruit Logistica 2014

Following the successful first-time collaboration by the British potato and horticulture sector at Fruit Logistica 2013, Potato Council, Horticultural Development Company (HDC) and the Commercial Horticultural Association (CHA) return with their industries to this massive event in February 2014.
Mini tubers growing along suspended stems as part of an experiment in aeroponic potato production at Cornell’s Uihlein Farm in Lake Placid.(Keith Perry)
januari 08, 2014

Aeroponics to boost New York State potato production

The mashed potatoes or latkes that enhance your holiday feast have taken a long path from tuber to table – in many cases, several years. A project at Cornell University could trim that time.
"King Rustic" potato debuts at Walmart, just in time for holidays
december 17, 2013

'King Rustics' potato debuts at Walmart, just in time for holidays

While the russet potato has been a fixture on kitchen tables across America for as long as . . . well, we've had kitchen tables . . . a new variety of russet is waking up taste buds just in time for the holidays with a smoother, moister and richer taste.
<em>Edit News</em> Potato breeder leaves mark on industry
december 17, 2013

Potato breeder leaves mark on industry

Joseph Pavek bred the popular potato variety Ranger Russet and developed much of the germplasm still used by breeders today, though he retired in 1999.
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EU court annuls approval of BASF&#039;s Amflora GMO potato
december 17, 2013

EU court annuls approval of BASF's Amflora GMO potato

Europe's second-highest court on Friday overturned a decision by the European Commission to allow the cultivation and sale of a genetically modified potato developed by German chemicals group BASF.
Will McDonald&#039;s Have New and Healthy GMO French Fries?
december 17, 2013

Will McDonald's Have New and Healthy GMO French Fries?

McDonald's is being sucked into the vortex of bickering and conspiracy theories that has, unfortunately, become the debate over genetically engineered food products.
november 30, 2013

Four new Dutch potato varieties cleared by Kenyan government

Under a bilateral deal with lead potato seed producer the Netherlands, the government has cleared four new potato seed varieties for use by local farmers.
 Imagen: cortesía de Plant & Food Research
november 12, 2013

El mapa genético de la papa ya es una realidad

Un grupo internacional de investigadores de 14 países, que incluye a especialistas del INTA, integraron la secuencia del genoma con un mapa genético. Permitirá identificar los genes del rendimiento y de la calidad.
Agrico presents new potato varieties at the Holland Varieties Show.
november 07, 2013

Agrico presents new potato varieties at the Holland Varieties Show

On Thursday 7 November 2013 Agrico opened its annual varieties and seedlings show at its breeding and research farm, Agrico Research, in Bant.
ARS potato breeders worked during US government shutdown to save clones.
oktober 21, 2013

ARS potato breeders worked during US government shutdown to save clones.

Scientists with the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service potato genetics program in Aberdeen, Idaho, were granted special permission to return to work during the US government shutdown, potentially preventing the loss of unique breeding material.
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Kiwa andean potato chips gets Ecuadorian company nominated for award

Ecuadorian chips company INALPROCES has been selected as one of the 10 finalists for the CHANGING MARKETS AWARD 2013, an initiative implemented on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
augustus 28, 2013

CPRI develops potatoes resistant to cold-induced sweetening

The Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) in Shimla, India's premier potato research institute, has evolved a new technology to prevent conversion of starch into glucose in low temperature conditions, like cold storages.
 Cronología del desarrollo de la papa transgénica
augustus 27, 2013

Cronología del desarrollo de la papa transgénica

Línea de tiempo que incluye algunos de los eventos más importantes ocurridos en América y Europa durante el desarrollo de la papa genéticamente modificada.
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Papas transgénicas ¿son realmente la solución?

Artículo que describe la enfermedad causada por el Virus de la Papa Y (PVY), explica cómo se desarrolla una papa transgénica resistente al virus y reseña las diferentes posiciones con respecto al uso de la ingeniería genética para modificar alimentos.
Colombia: Buenas prácticas para la producción de mejor papa
augustus 11, 2013

Colombia: Buenas prácticas para la producción de mejor papa

Productores de papa de la provincia de Ubaté, en Cundinamarca, le apuestan al uso de semillas certificadas y a la reducción del uso de agroquímicos para mejorar sus cosechas y proteger el medio ambiente.


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