Aardappelrassen en pootaardappelen

Tasteful Selection opens Green Potato Facility in California
mei 17, 2015

Tasteful Selection opens Green Potato Facility in California

CSS, along with RPE, Carrollton, Texas-based Pro-Health® and Stevens Point, Wisconsin-based Plover River Farms Alliance, Inc. partnered together and opened a new, stainless steel, 200,000 square foot facility near Bakersfield dedicated to Tasteful Selections specialty potatoes.
Value of HZPC certificate increases with the maximum 10 percent
mei 14, 2015

Value of HZPC certificate increases with the maximum 10 percent

The value of the certificate of HZPC Holland B.V., world leader in potato breeding and seed potato export, is determined on € 113.15 after the Stock trading day 2015.
Koers HZPC-certificaat stijgt met maximale 10 procent
mei 14, 2015

Koers HZPC-certificaat stijgt met maximale 10 procent

De certificaatkoers van HZPC Holland bv, wereldleider in aardappelveredeling en pootgoedexport, is na Beursdag Mei 2015 vastgesteld op €113,15.
Syngenta offers a range of potato crop protection solutions
mei 14, 2015

Syngenta response on Monsanto acquisition offer

Syngenta reacts to the acquisition offer of Monsanto reported in the media in this response dated May 8, 2015
HZPC takes potato genome browsing to the next level
mei 11, 2015

HZPC takes potato genome browsing to the next level

Ceres, Inc. (NASDAQ: CERE), an agricultural biotechnology company, today announced that the company has licensed its Persephone bioinformatics software to global seed potato developer, HZPC Holland BV.
Científicos exhortan a la acción para preservar parientes silvestres de papa
mei 05, 2015

Científicos exhortan a la acción para preservar parientes silvestres de papa

Los parientes silvestres de los cultivos son especies de plantas silvestres que comparten un ancestro común con los cultivos. Mantienen un alto nivel de diversidad genética que los hace una fuente invalorable de materia prima para el mejoramiento de los cultivos. Sin embargo, su disponibilidad para fines de investigación depende la cobertura y estado de las colecciones de germoplasma mantenidas en los bancos genéticos.
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Holanda presenta resultados de investigación sobre resistencia a tizón tardío
mei 03, 2015

Holanda presenta resultados de investigación sobre resistencia a tizón tardío

La conferencia se realizará el 3 de septiembre de 2015 en las instalaciones de la Universidad de Wageningen. No tiene ningún costo pero los asistentes deben pagar su hotel y el desplazamiento aéreo y terrestre.
Personal del CIP participa en evaluación sensorial de nuevos clones de papa
april 30, 2015

Personal del CIP participa en evaluación sensorial de nuevos clones de papa

La aceptación del sabor y de la textura de nuevas variedades de papa es una condición de su éxito con los agricultores y consumidores. Con el fin de potenciar esta actividad, desde noviembre de 2014 el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) inició una nueva experiencia, involucrando a su propio personal no especializado en los estudios de evaluación sensorial.
Website Princesse AmaPotato Brand in Belgium: Princesse Amadine by Pomunidine
april 26, 2015

First Potato Brand in Belgium: Princesse Amadine by Pomuni

Pomuni, market leader in the Belgian table potatoes market, will this summer introduce the first potato brand in Belgium: Princesse Amadine
Sweet Potatoes are Genetically Modified - by nature
april 21, 2015

Sweet Potatoes are Genetically Modified - by nature

Researchers from Ghent University and the International Potato Center have discovered that sweet potatoes naturally contain genes from a bacterium. Because of the presence of this 'foreign' DNA, sweet potato can be seen as a 'natural gmo'.
Colourful Perupas for the first time in Dutch restaurants
april 16, 2015

Colourful Perupas for the first time in Dutch restaurants

Fresh-food specialist for the hotel and restaurant industry Rungis and HZPC are bringing the ancient potato varieties from the Andes back on to the plate in Dutch restaurants.
Liberan nueva variedad de papa en Perú
april 15, 2015

Liberan nueva variedad de papa en Perú

Constituye una alternativa tecnológica con resistencia al tizón tardío, buena productividad y altos valores nutricionales.
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Potato protoplasts expressing green florescence to demonstrate high transformation efficiency.
april 15, 2015

Cellectis reduces cold sweetening in potato by inactivating a single gene

Cellectis Plant Sciences, Inc. has announced today that the Plant Biotechnology Journal has accepted the publication of its peer-reviewed manuscript demonstrating the phenotypic validation of potato lines developed by inactivating a single endogenous gene responsible for sugar accumulation when stored at cold temperatures.
Roshni Lata of Muanikoso shops for potatoes at a supermarket in Suva, Fiji. (Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU)
april 06, 2015

New potato varieties to improve Pacific food security

Almost 70 new varieties of potato and sweet potato will soon be available to Pacific Island countries and territories, to improve food security across the region.
Wallace Huffman
maart 23, 2015

Research: Consumers willing to spend more for biotech potato products

New research from an Iowa State University economist, Wallace Huffman, found consumers were willing to spend more for genetically modified potato products with reduced levels of a chemical compound linked to cancer.
Chile: Guardianes de papa nativa impulsarán su producción a través de nuevos métodos
maart 23, 2015

Chile: Guardianas de papa nativa impulsarán su producción a través de nuevos métodos

Con gran entusiasmo y ganas de seguir impulsando la producción y consumo de la papa nativa, las guardianas de Puqueldón culminaron la gira técnica que las llevó a diversos puntos de Perú y cuyo objetivo fue conocer y compartir experiencias en cuanto a formas de asociación, trabajo y comercialización de este producto agroalimentario con valor patrimonial.
Simplot Innate Potatoes pass voluntary FDA safety review
maart 22, 2015

Simplot Innate Potatoes pass voluntary FDA safety review

The first line of J.R. Simplot Co.'s genetically modified potatoes has been cleared by the Food and Drug Administration as safe for human consumption. The voluntary FDA safety review found that the potatoes are as safe and nutritious as conventional potatoes.
Potato field in Panama
maart 17, 2015

Panamá ensaya con variedades de papa industrial

Los científicos del Idiap mezclaron genotipos de papas chilenas con siete tipos de tubérculos alemanes


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