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Simplot wants to sell food products from GM Potatoes in Australia and New Zealand
juli 06, 2017

Simplot wants to sell food products from GM Potatoes in Australia and New Zealand

JR Simplot has applied at FSANZ for approval to export genetically modified potato products into Australia and New Zealand. Unclear is what type of products this is about, but unprocessed potatoes can not be imported.
Brexit may pose challenges for Scottish Seed Potato Exporters
juli 03, 2017

Brexit may present challenges to Scottish Seed Potato Exporters

Seed potato growers for the United Kingdom who have been confident that crucial trade with Egypt and other non-EU markets would not be disrupted by Brexit may be in for a shock.
New Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet will help US potato industry meet more stringent regulation
juni 27, 2017

New Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet will help US potato industry meet more stringent regulation

Two recently released new Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet - should help the potato industry in the Pacific Northwest cope with more stringent regulations on soil fumigants
Presentan guía para selección participativa de variedades de papa con perspectiva de género
juni 22, 2017

Presentan guía para selección participativa de variedades de papa con perspectiva de género

Profesionales y técnicos interesados en metodologías y procesos de selección participativa de variedades de papa cuentan desde el 22 de junio con una nueva guía que les permitirá complementar los procedimientos de evaluación que se requieren antes de poner a disposición del mercado semilla de la variedad seleccionada.
Making a potato variety heat tolerant could be as simple as switching a single gene
juni 22, 2017

Making a potato variety heat tolerant could be as simple as switching a single gene

Scientists have identified a version of a single gene involved in the heat stress response that is more active in potato types that can tolerate high temperature, potentially providing potato breeders a tool to make potato varieties less vulnerable to increased temperature.
Recuperan en Perú variedades de papa perdidas por factores climáticos, sociales y comerciales
juni 21, 2017

Recuperan en Perú variedades de papa perdidas por factores climáticos, sociales y comerciales

Cuarenta productores de la comunidad de Santa Cruz de Pichiú, en el departmento de Ancash, realizaron la primera cosecha de una gran diversidad de papas nativas, que habian perdido por diferentes factores.
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Potato Cyst Nematodes threaten crop in Kenya
juni 19, 2017

Potato Cyst Nematodes threaten crop in Kenya

A survey done in 20 counties in Kenya released earlier this month, shows that Potato Cyst Nematode infestation has reached 80 to 100 per cent in some of the potato growing areas.
After surviving Mars conditions, Potatoes will be grown on the Moon
juni 15, 2017

After potato tubers survived Mars conditions, potato seeds will be tested on the Moon

As part of their Lunar exploration in 2018, Chinese scientists will take an 18x16 cm cylinder to the surface of the moon and see if potato seeds can grow there in this containerized mini-ecosystem (Courtesy: 163.com)
Quebec eyes seed potato export to Latin America and Caribbean
juni 15, 2017

Quebec eyes Seed Potato Export to Latin America and Caribbean

A couple of seed potato companies from Quebec, together with the Centre de Recherche Les Buissons (CRLB) have started an initiative to export high quality seed potatoes to Latin America and the Caribbean.
HZPC´s uitbetalingsprijs overstijgt verwachtingen
juni 15, 2017

HZPC´s uitbetalingsprijs overstijgt verwachtingen

HZPC Holland bv heeft de
definitieve uitbetalingsprijs voor zijn Nederlandse pootaardappel-pool over Oogst 2016
vastgesteld op € 34,40 per 100 kilo.
El cultivo de la papa en Venezuela estaría desapareciendo
juni 14, 2017

El cultivo de la papa en Venezuela estaría desapareciendo

La situación para los productores estaría impulsando la desaparición del cultivo de la dieta nacional. De 17.000 hectáreas habilitadas para cultivar papa, sólo 6.000 están sembradas.
New Zealand get's its own brand of low carb potatoes: 'Lotatoes™'
juni 13, 2017

New Zealand get's its own brand of low carb potatoes: 'Lotatoes™'

In New Zealand, produce company T&G is launching a new brand of low carb potatoes with the memorable name 'Lotatoes'.
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Crean comité de seguimiento de la producción de papa semilla (Buenos Aires)
juni 06, 2017

Crean comité de seguimiento de la producción de papa semilla (Buenos Aires)

En la sede del Ministerio de Agroindustria de la provincia de Buenos Aires, en La Plata, se llevó adelante una nueva reunión de la Mesa Provincial de la Papa en la que quedó constituido el Comité de Seguimiento de la Producción de la Papa Semilla, en la zona diferenciada.
Perú: Anuncian encuentro de guardianes de la papa nativa
juni 05, 2017

Perú: Anuncian encuentro de guardianes de la papa nativa

Agricultores guardianes de la papa nativa de cinco regiones del país se reunirán el jueves 8 y viernes 9 en el distrito de Laraos, provincia de Yauyos, región Lima. El objetivo del encuentro es el de fomentar el diálogo y consolidar las alianzas para la conservación de la diversidad de este tubérculo.
Simplot postpones commercial introduction of Innate GMO potatoes in Canada
mei 30, 2017

Simplot postpones commercial introduction of Innate GMO potatoes in Canada

Simplot Plant Sciences will not commercially launch its Innate GMO potatoes in Canada this year, despite regulatory approval and interest among potato farmers to grow these new potatoes
Neiker Tecnalia to start field trial of potato varieties with benefits
mei 28, 2017

Neiker Tecnalia to start field trial of potato varieties with benefits

NEIKER-Tecnalia is conducting research since 2014 with the objective to identify potato varieties with high levels of bioactive compounds (anthocyanins, phenols and total carotenoids - all having potential potential health benefits), and are adapted to the growing conditions in Spain.
En España desarrollan papas con alto potencial de valor añadido
mei 23, 2017

En España desarrollan papas con alto potencial de valor añadido

El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, NEIKER-Tecnalia, ha llevado a cabo avances en la mejora genética de patata con el objetivo de obtener variedades con elevados niveles de compuestos bioactivos (antocianinas, fenoles y carotenoides totales), así como capacidad antioxidante beneficiosas para la salud, adaptadas a nuestras condiciones de cultivo.
Unlawful use of farm-saved seed potatoes in Belgium leads to large fine and damage compensation
mei 23, 2017

Unlawful use of farm-saved seed potatoes in Belgium leads to large fine and damage compensation

The Antwerp Court of Appeal has sentenced a farmer in the Belgian province of Antwerp to pay a large fine and damage compensation to Breeders Trust for not reporting his acreage farm saved seed for the varieties Asterix and Fontane which are protected under Plant Breeders’ Rights.


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