Aardappelrassen en pootaardappelen

Seed Potato Company HZPC sees increasing trade in its certificates and - once again - a maximum increase in value
november 04, 2017

Seed Potato Company HZPC sees increasing trade in its certificates and - once again - a maximum increase in value

The value of the share certificate of HZPC Holding B.V. (HZPC), the world leader in potato breeding and seed potato trade, has been determined after the bi-annual stock trading day November 2017 at €182.20.
Analyzing the genes of ancient potatoes helps to improve future varieties
november 01, 2017

Analyzing the genes of ancient potatoes helps to improve future potato varieties

Examining the ancestors of the modern, North American cultivated potato has revealed a set of common genes and important genetic pathways that have helped potatoes adapt over thousands of years.
High hopes for potatoes in Cambodia
oktober 31, 2017

High hopes for potatoes in Cambodia

With the first large harvest of potatoes in Cambodia expected next year, months of research in the highlands of Mondulkiri province show the country’s soil and climate are well-suited for growing certain varieties.
Reino Unido desarrolla papa genéticamente modificada resistente al tizón tardío
oktober 26, 2017

Reino Unido desarrolla papa genéticamente modificada resistente al tizón tardío

Científicos financiados por el fondo público del BBSRC y radicados en el Norwich Research Park, han desarrollado una papa genéticamente modificada con resistencia al tizón tardío.
First field trial with GM Maris Piper resistant to late blight went brilliantly
oktober 26, 2017

First field trial with GM Maris Piper resistant to late blight went brilliantly

A genetically-modified (GM) Maris Piper designed to resist the devastating plant disease late blight has worked “brilliantly” during the first year of field trials, according to scientists of The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL)
Potato Business post-Brexit a key focus during the BP2017 Seminars
oktober 22, 2017

Potato Business post-Brexit a key focus during the BP2017 Seminars

One of the key features of the biennial British Potato event is the seminar programme and the approaching Brexit is of course a topic that must be front and center at an event in the United Kingdom.
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Provincia China sobresale como productora de papa gracias a investigador Peruano
oktober 20, 2017

Provincia China sobresale como productora de papa gracias a investigador peruano

Víctor Otazu ha viajado muchas veces a la provincia de Qinghai desde el 2007. Al principio como experto del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) y ahora como consultor de la Academia de Agricultura y Ciencias Forestales. Sus conocimientos han contribuido para que dicha región sea hoy una de las principales productoras de semilla de la China.
India: Lanzan variedad de papa que soporta altas temperaturas
oktober 18, 2017

India: Lanzan variedad de papa que soporta altas temperaturas

Desarrollada en colaboración con el CIP y el CPRI, Kufri Lima, como se llama la variedad, es temprana, tolerante al calor y resistente a los virus, características muy apreciadas por los agricultores locales.
Potato Retail Sales in the United States for the month of August is up compared to last year.
oktober 18, 2017

Potato Retail Sales in the United States for the month of August is UP compared to last year

August was a great month for retail potato sales in the United States, with all categories enjoying volume growth when compared to the same four weeks a year ago.
New potato variety in India, Kufri Lima, to take on the heat...
oktober 16, 2017

New potato variety in India, Kufri Lima, to take on the heat...

Farmers in India can expect higher yields and profits with the release of a new potato variety, Kufri Lima, developed by the International Potato Center (CIP) and the Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI)
International Potato Center (CIP) and Blackpace Group to cooperate in advancing potato production in Africa
oktober 16, 2017

International Potato Center (CIP) and Blackpace Group to cooperate in advancing potato production in Africa

The International Potato Center (CIP) and BlackPace Africa Group (BPA) executed a Technical and Scientific agreement to advance potato production in Africa, with focus on Rwanda.
The International Potato Center opens representation in Tbilisi, Geogia
oktober 15, 2017

The International Potato Center opens representation in Tbilisi, Georgia

The International Potato Center (CIP) opened its representation in Tbilisi, Georgia on October 11.
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Nederland is heel goed in friet
oktober 09, 2017

Nederland is heel goed in friet

Op Zaterdag 7 oktober was in het Groningse Hornhuizen het Aardappelfeest, georganiseerd door vrijwilligers. Met eten, cultuur en sprekers, onder wie Jan van Hoogen.
Potato breeder HZPC books record turnover and gross profit
oktober 06, 2017

Potato breeder HZPC books record turnover and gross profit

HZPC, world leader in potato breeding, announced during the shareholders’ meeting on 5 October that a consolidated net turnover of €318.5 million has been determined for the financial year 2016/17. The gross profit is €59.3 million and the net result is €8.5 million.
Idaho Potato Breeders aim to develop PCN Resistant Russets
oktober 05, 2017

Idaho Potato Breeders aim to develop PCN Resistant Russets

A project underway in Aberdeen, Idaho, aims to develop russet potatoes with resistance to pale cyst nematode, while identifying new molecular markers associated with resistance.
Czech Potato Research Institute announces a new blue-purple potato variety 'Val-Blue'
oktober 05, 2017

Czech Potato Research Institute breeds a new blue-purple potato variety 'Val-Blue'

The Czech Potato Research Institute in Havlíčkův Brod has announced that it has bred a new potato variety they named “Val Blue”. And yes! It has a striking blue-purple colour.
Las papas geneticamente modificadas de Simplot siguen aprobandose en el mercado extranjero
oktober 03, 2017

Las papas geneticamente modificadas de Simplot siguen aprobandose en el mercado extranjero

La compañía norteamericana Simplot ha obtenido la aprobación para su papa marca Innate en algunos mercados clave, como Japón. Y tiene pendientes otras solicitudes de acceso a mercados extranjeros.
Dutch Potato Industry establishes Holland Innovative Potato (HIP) for major investment in research
september 26, 2017

Dutch Potato Industry establishes Holland Innovative Potato (HIP) for major investment in research

Ten Dutch potato (processing) companies and two associations have established Holland Innovative Potato (HIP) to facilitate and coordinate joint pre-competitive research activities. A budget of € 4.5 million is available for the first research program of HIP.


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