Aardappelrassen en pootaardappelen

Bolivia tiene 33 variedades de papa, pero baja capacidad de producción.
mei 02, 2019

Bolivia: Fuerte caída de la producción da papa nativa

La demanda interna del mercado bordea los 5 millones de toneladas, pero sólo se produce 1.1 millón de t, el resto ingresa por la vía de contrabando e importación.
Papas de la variedad Kawsay se vendieron en supermercados por primera vez este año.
mei 02, 2019

Kawsay, una papa para mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y los ingresos de los agricultores peruanos

Papas de la nueva variedad Kawsay se vendieron en supermercados por primera vez este año. Kawsay tiene el potencial de mejorar los ingresos y la seguridad alimentaria de las comunidades, además es de alto rendimiento y gran resistencia al tizón tardío.
David Douches Ph.D. Professor, Director of MSU Potato Breeding and Genetics Program
april 29, 2019

Michigan State University develops new potato varieties for countries far and wide

David Douches, a professor in the Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences and director of the MSU Potato Breeding and Genetics Program, has been at the forefront of the potato’s transition as people get more adventurous with their eating habits.
Producers were reporting storage concerns this winter as they struggled with frost-damaged potatoes and extreme cold.
april 29, 2019

Expanding potato sector in Manitoba not stressing on seed, despite tight supplies

Manitoba’s potato sector is gearing up to supply an expanding industry but seed supplies will be tight after a tough harvest last season. A number of producers are planning capital upgrades to keep up with the rise in demand.
Pepsico India offers settlement to Gujarat potato farmers sued for infringing breeding rights
april 26, 2019

Pepsico India offers settlement to Gujarat potato farmers sued for infringing breeding rights

The legal battle between a number of potato farmers in Gujarat accused of illegally growing a proprietary variety and food and beverage manufacturer PepsiCo India may be headed for an out-of-court settlement.
Pepsico India under pressure to drop lawsuits for growing its potato variety without permission
april 24, 2019

Pepsico India under pressure to drop its lawsuits for growing its potato variety without permission

Leading farmers unions and rights advocacy groups have demanded that the PepsiCo immediately withdraw all legal suits it has slapped on many potato farmers in different districts of Gujarat.
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Potatoes prevent food crisis in Ethiopia and restore 'dignity and hope'
april 24, 2019

Potatoes prevent food crisis in Ethiopia and restore 'dignity and hope'

Irish potatoes have prevented another major humanitarian food crisis in one of the poorest and most remote parts of Ethiopia, according to aid organization Concern Worldwide.
Potato acreage in North-western Europe to grow between 1 and 2 percent, NEPG estimates
april 24, 2019

Potato acreage in North-western Europe to grow between 1 and 2 percent, NEPG estimates

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) have estimated that the upcoming area for
consumption potatoes in 2019 will increase between 1 and 2 % towards almost 604.000 ha in the 5
main production countries.
Custom-built seed potato grading facility gives B&C Farming new life
april 16, 2019

Custom-built seed potato grading facility gets B&C Farming ready for the future

Tong Engineering designed and custom-built a seed potato grading facility for B&C Farming, based on the company's current and future requirements as specified by managing director Tony Bambridge
Pepsico sews Gujarat potato farmers growing its proprietary varieties without authorization
april 16, 2019

Pepsico sues Gujarat potato farmers for growing its proprietary varieties without authorization

PepsiCo has sued three potato farmers in Gujarat complaining that they have been illegally growing and selling a variety of potato exclusively registered to Pepsico for the use of producing its Lays potato chips.
New Partnership Brings Major Agricultural Trade Show to Grand Falls, NB
april 09, 2019

New Partnership Brings Major Agricultural Trade Show to Grand Falls, New Brunswick

A New Brunswick-grown industry partnership will see Grand Falls host an all-new edition of the major farming trade show AgriExpo this summer.
Bad seed potato imports hit Kenyan farmers ahead of the rainy season
maart 26, 2019

Bad seed potato imports hit Kenyan farmers ahead of the rainy season

Kenyan farmers are facing a shortage of certified seed potatoes following the rejection of 78 percent of the planting materials that had been imported last year.
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Lage opbrengst leidt tot een goed financieel jaar voor pootaardappelhandelaar HZPC Holland
maart 10, 2019

Lage opbrengst resulteert in een prima financieel resultaat voor pootgoedleverancier HZPC

Pootaardappelhandelaar HZPC Holland B.V. heeft de prognoseprijs voor oogst 2018 vastgesteld en verwacht haar Nederlandse pootgoedtelers de recordprijs van € 41,- per 100 kilo te betalen.
Cavendish Farms invests in potato breeding to deal with climate change
maart 05, 2019

Cavendish Farms invests in potato breeding to deal with climate change

Cavendish Farms is working to develop potato varieties that can thrive in dry growing conditions on Prince Edward Island, says the company’s president Robert Irving.
Odisha approves major potato project with the International Potato Center to achieve self-sufficiency
maart 05, 2019

Odisha approves major potato project with the International Potato Center to achieve self-sufficiency

The Odisha Government has decided to approve a major project with the International Potato Centre (CIP) focused on sustainable intensification of potato cultivation in order to achieve self-sufficiency in production in this Indian State.
februari 26, 2019

Deense aardappelhandelaar veroordeelt voor het illegaal importeren van miniknollen

Breeders Trust, de organisatie die opkomt voor de rechten van een 10tal vooraanstaande Europese aardappelkweekbedrijven heeft eerder deze maand een rechtszaak gewonnen tegen het Deense aardappelhandelshuis Myco Seed A/S te Give (DK)
Despite potato shortage in Kenya, Nyandarua County potato farmers hardly benefit
februari 18, 2019

Despite potato shortage in Kenya, Nyandarua County potato farmers hardly benefit

An acute shortage of potatoes has hit Nyandarua County, a top producer of potatoes in Kenya and in fact, the entire country is suffering from a shortage.
Potato cooperative Agrico inaugurates Quality Center
februari 18, 2019

Potato cooperative Agrico inaugurates Quality Center

Last Friday, potato cooperative Agrico celebrated the official opening of its new quality centre. The centre was built last year behind the company's head office in Emmeloord.


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