Aardappelrassen en pootaardappelen

Cosecha de patata en Perú.
oktober 29, 2022

La crisis de la papa en Perú: pandemia y alza global de fertilizantes amenaza su producción

El precio de la papa blanca —la variedad más consumida en Perú— se ha incrementado este año en más del 110% con respecto al 2021, según la Emmsa.
New potato varieties coming for chips and French fries
oktober 25, 2022

New potato varieties in Bangladesh for Chips and French fries: Valencia and Cartagena

Two potato varieties developed by the private firm ACI Seed are set to hit the seed potato market of Bangladesh next season, enabling farmers to produce industrial-grade potatoes that can be used for making ready-to-eat snacks
Investigaciones de Agrosavia
oktober 23, 2022

Uso de la papa (Solanum tuberosum) en suplementación animal con énfasis en bovinos

Investigaciones llevadas a cabo por Agrosavia han determinado en variedades de papa, como la UNICA, valores de almidón del 70%, energía neta de lactancia de 1,3 Megacalorías de ENL/kg/MS en la papa entera.
The World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar - The Potato Landraces of the Canary Islands'
oktober 10, 2022

The World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar - The Potato Landraces of the Canary Islands'

The World Potato Congress is extremely pleased to present its fourth webinar on October 18 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (USA/Canada) in English followed by the presentation in Spanish.
The HZPC Executive board
oktober 09, 2022

FInancial results potato company HZPC back on course

In the 2021/2022 fiscal year, HZPC managed to bring its results back on course after a challenging 2020/2021 fiscal year.
Fruit Attraction 2022 breaks records and cements Madrid as world fruit and vegetable capital
oktober 05, 2022

Fruit Attraction 2022 breaks records and cements Madrid as world fruit and vegetable capital

From 4 to 6 October, Madrid once again became the world fruit and vegetable capital with the 14th edition of Fruit Attraction, the sector's largest international event, organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX.
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Tissue Culture Tech Boosts Potato Yield in Kenya
oktober 04, 2022

Tissue Culture Tech Boosts Potato Yield in Kenya

A community project that provides farmers with healthy seed potato, cultivated using innovative laboratory techniques is significantly increasing yields in Kenya, an agricultural expert says.
Patatas Meléndez presentará todos los avances de su nueva fábrica en Fruit Attraction.
september 30, 2022

Patatas Meléndez presentará todos los avances de su nueva fábrica en Fruit Attraction

Patatas Meléndez estará presente en Fruit Attraction transmitiendo todos sus valores y sus últimas novedades en el stand 10G02 del pabellón 10 del IFEMA, el día 5 de octubre a las 17:30 horas.
MountainKing Potatoes Begins Re-Brand of Butter Russets as Butter Cream Potatoes
september 30, 2022

MountainKing Potatoes Begins Re-Brand of Butter Russets as Butter Cream Potatoes

MountainKing has launched a re-brand of one of its popular, gourmet varieties with the introduction of its Butter Cream Potatoes, now available in three-pound poly mesh bags.
Princesa Amandine.
september 25, 2022

PrincesaAmandine estará en Fruit Attraction para presentar su patata de Quinta Gama

Princesa Amandine participará en la próxima edición de Fruit Attraction (del 4 al 6 de octubre en IFEMA Madrid) con presencia en los stands de sus cuatro socios ibéricos.
CIP fomenta una mayor producción de papas y oportunidades inclusivas en Georgia.
september 20, 2022

CIP fomenta una mayor producción de papas y oportunidades inclusivas en Georgia

La papa es un pilar de la dieta georgiana, se come casi a diario y se utiliza en platos tradicionales como kartopilis kinkali (albóndigas de papa). Los georgianos consumen un promedio de 55 kg de papas al año.
september 20, 2022

Belgapomnotering wordt uitgebreid vanaf seizoen 2022-2023 naar Fontane én Challenger.

Vanaf het nieuwe bewaaraardappelseizoen noteert de prijzencommissie van Belgapom de meest gehanteerde prijs voor de handel in aardappelen van de variëteiten Fontane en Challenger.
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Seed potato business is taking root in Haryana, India
september 19, 2022

Seed potato business is taking root in Haryana, India

A new trend has emerged in the Indian State of Haryana, with many potato farmers venturing into the seed potato production business. They even have had contracts from big private players such as McCain and Siddhi Vinayak
Europlant celebrated its 30th anniversary at Potato Europe
september 19, 2022

Europlant celebrated its 30th anniversary at Potato Europe

During PotatoEurope more than 300 guests from Germany and abroad met on September 7, 2022 at Gut Rethmar to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Europlant Pflanzenzucht GmbH
Kenya: about USD 1 million program set to benefit potato farmers.
september 17, 2022

Kenya: USD 1 million program set to benefit potato farmers

More than 3,000 small-holder potatoes farmers from Nakuru are set to benefit from a KES 127 million (USD 1 million) program aimed at enhancing potato production in the County.
Potato genomes under the microscope.
september 15, 2022

Potato genomes under the microscope

The DNA in humans and gorillas is about 95% identical. This percentage is much lower between potato varieties. This might sound like a fun fact to remember for a pub quiz, but for Remco Ursem and Stan Oome, it is a premise that carries a serious challenge.
Mark Zuidhof appointed COO of cooperative potato company Agrico.
september 14, 2022

Mark Zuidhof appointed COO of cooperative potato company Agrico

Mark Zuidhof will be appointed COO of Agrico as of 16 September. Together with current director Jan van Hoogen (CEO), he will form the Statutory Board of Agrico. Jan van Hoogen will step down as director as of 1 January 2024.
Sas Bernard, a well-known french potato grower, renews its trust in TOMRA Food by choosing the TOMRA 3A.
september 12, 2022

Sas Bernard, a well-known french potato grower, renews its trust in TOMRA Food by choosing the TOMRA 3A

The Bernard SME employs 35 people and is almost one hundred years old. It is located in Gomiécourt, 30 minutes from the Arras train station, in the Hautsde-France region on the vast plains of the Artois.


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