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Ayrshire potatoes granted EU protected status
juli 15, 2019

Ayrshire potatoes granted EU protected status

Ayrshire potatoes have been granted special status under EU rules to protect them from imitation.
Puffin produce updates packaging for Blas y Tir Fresh Potato Brand
juli 10, 2019

Puffin produce updates packaging for Blas y Tir Fresh Potato Brand

Puffin Produce Ltd. unveiled a new look for its Blas y Tir brand of fresh potatoes, including the new 1kg Blas y Tir Pembrokeshire Earlies, which are now available in supermarkets across Wales.
Scientists develop 'super spud' in a bid to prevent stunting
juli 03, 2019

Scientists develop 'super spud' in a bid to prevent stunting

Scientists are creating a “super potato”, fortified with iron and zinc, in a bid to tackle malnutrition in developing countries.
Custom-built seed potato grading facility gives B&C Farming new life
april 16, 2019

Custom-built seed potato grading facility gets B&C Farming ready for the future

Tong Engineering designed and custom-built a seed potato grading facility for B&C Farming, based on the company's current and future requirements as specified by managing director Tony Bambridge
AHDB working to develop export markets for GB Seed Potatoes
februari 06, 2019

AHDB working to develop export markets for GB Seed Potatoes

After spending 2018 opening the doors to new markets for British seed potatoes, the AHDB Exports team will focus in 2019 on strengthening relationships with existing markets.
Gene find unlocks potato coloring
januari 12, 2019

Gene find unlocks potato coloring

Scientists at The James Hutton Institute say discovery could help breed new colourful and improved potato varieties
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Tyson – Delivering a Heavyweight Punch for Potato Growers
januari 07, 2019

Tyson – Delivering a Heavyweight Punch for Potato Growers in the UK

Greenvale Seed, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of seed potatoes has announced it’s intention to exclusively supply UK growers with a new variety of potato.
Shifts in potato varieties planted in Great Britain
november 01, 2018

Shifts in potato varieties planted in Great Britain

The revised estimate for the total 2018 potato planted area in Great Britain is 117.3Kha, down 4.4% from 2017. Also includes shifts in the Top ten potato varieties grown in Great Britain in 2018
Climate-resilient spuds in focus at Potatoes in Practice 2018
augustus 14, 2018

Climate-resilient spuds in focus at Potatoes in Practice 2018

Research at the James Hutton Institute has identified genetic variations which can help protect potato crop yields at high temperature, potentially providing potato breeders with a valuable tool in their quest to create varieties resilient to heat stress
AHDB Potatoes explores Cuba as export destination
juni 07, 2018

AHDB Potatoes explores Cuba as export destination

AHDB Potatoes is encouraging seed potato producers to consider Cuba as an export destination after recent meetings with Government officials in the country.
AHDB officially launches Potato Data Centre at BP2017
november 17, 2017

AHDB Potatoes officially launches Potato Data Centre at BP2017

AHDB Potatoes will officially launch its Potato Data Centre (PDC) at BP2017 at Harrogate on 22 and 23 November.
Reino Unido desarrolla papa genéticamente modificada resistente al tizón tardío
oktober 26, 2017

Reino Unido desarrolla papa genéticamente modificada resistente al tizón tardío

Científicos financiados por el fondo público del BBSRC y radicados en el Norwich Research Park, han desarrollado una papa genéticamente modificada con resistencia al tizón tardío.
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First field trial with GM Maris Piper resistant to late blight went brilliantly
oktober 26, 2017

First field trial with GM Maris Piper resistant to late blight went brilliantly

A genetically-modified (GM) Maris Piper designed to resist the devastating plant disease late blight has worked “brilliantly” during the first year of field trials, according to scientists of The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL)
Potato Business post-Brexit a key focus during the BP2017 Seminars
oktober 22, 2017

Potato Business post-Brexit a key focus during the BP2017 Seminars

One of the key features of the biennial British Potato event is the seminar programme and the approaching Brexit is of course a topic that must be front and center at an event in the United Kingdom.
Potato Varieties in Great Britain in 2017: Maris Piper still King, New Retail Varieties see growth
augustus 30, 2017

Potato Varieties in Great Britain in 2017: Maris Piper still King, New Retail Varieties see growth

In Great Britain, Maris Piper is still by a wide margin the most grown potato variety. But potato growers have planted an increased area of emerging varieties to serve the fresh packing market
Potatoes in Practice stage for Scotland - China Potato Research announcement
augustus 12, 2017

Potatoes in Practice stage for Scotland - China Potato Research announcement

The Chinese Government and leading potato company, Xisen Potato Group have committed £3 million to a collaboration with James Hutton Limited (JHL) to breed new varieties and research resistance to pests and diseases, tuber storage and potato processing.
Scottish seed potato exporters set to increase tonnage to Brazil and Kenya
augustus 12, 2017

Scottish seed potato exporters set to increase tonnage to Brazil and Kenya

Government representatives from Scotland and Brazil met in July to simplify the import classification requirements for seed potatoes. The game-changing meeting was organised and funded by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB).
Scottish Potato Industry unites to fund major Blackleg Research project
augustus 12, 2017

Scottish Potato Industry unites to fund major Blackleg Research project

In Scotland, a group of major potato businesses and public sector organisations have sponsored a £242,000 (USD 313,000) research project aimed at reducing the impact of potato disease blackleg on the Scottish seed potato industry.


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