Aardappelrassen en pootaardappelen

april 09, 2010

Trials with GM Potatoes resistant to PCN in United Kingdom approved

The government has given the green light to scientists to undertake a trial of genetically modified potatoes.Researchers will grow a trial crop of potatoes genetically modified to resist infection by potato cyst nematodes.DEFRA granted approval to scie...
 Amflora Starch Potato
april 06, 2010

What the approval of GM potato Amflora in Europe means to growers

Last month the EU Commission approved a second GM crop for cultivation in the EU. First plantings of Amflora, for seed production, are expected in Germany and the Czech Republic this spring. Other countries with a starch potato industry include Franc...
Purple potato for mash introduced in UK by Bartlett and Sons
maart 31, 2010

Purple potato for mash introduced in UK by Bartlett and Sons

A SCOTTISH potato processor is hoping to inject a bit of colour into meal times with the launch of Purple Majesty, a purple spud that is made for mashing and could boost health. It will produce a beetroot-coloured mash!
 Anton Haverkort
maart 11, 2010

Haverkort: 'Nog paar jaar voor Modena teelttoelating krijgt'

Het duurt nog een aantal jaren voor de Europese Commissie een teelttoelating geeft voor de genetisch veranderde aardappel Modena van Avebe. Ondanks dat BASF de eerste teelttoelating heeft gekregen voor de genaardappel Amflora. Dat zegt onderzoekscoö...
Starch manufacturer Emsland Group welcomes approval of Amflora
maart 03, 2010

Starch manufacturer Emsland Group welcomes approval of Amflora

EMSLAND GROUP welcomes the approval of Amflora by the European Commission. Cultivation of genetic modified crops will be an important prerequisite to secure long term competitiveness for the European potato starch industry.The Amflora registration proc...
 BASF's Amflora starch potato
maart 03, 2010

Amflora approval is a hot potato in GM debate

The European Commission’s approval of BASF’s GM Amflora potato for cultivation in the EU could mark the end of European deadlock over genetic modification, and has been celebrated and decried with equal measure by commentators on both sides of the deba...
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 GM Amflora starch potato approved in EU
maart 02, 2010

Amflora starch potatoes first EU approved GM crop in 12 years

The European Union today approved the first new genetically modified (GM) crop for domestic growing in more than a decade, ending what has been a long stalemate over a backlog of GM crops awaiting cultivation approval.   The decision by the European C...
 Amflora potato tubers
maart 02, 2010

European Commission approves Amflora starch potato

Today the European Commission approved Amflora, BASF's genetically optimized starch potato, for commercial application in Europe. The potato can now be used for the production of industrial starch."After waiting for more than 13 years, we are de...
 Papa Amflora aprovada en la Unión Europea
maart 02, 2010

Europa aprueba cultivo de papa transgénica

La Comisión Europea (CE) aprobó hoy el cultivo en la Unión Europea (UE) de una variedad de patata genéticamente modificada, fabricada por la empresa alemana BASF, la primera autorización del tipo concedida en los últimos 12 años. La patata Amflora pod...
februari 19, 2010

Avebe schort aanvraag voor veldproef genaardappel op

Avebe dient geen nieuwe aanvragen in voor veldproeven met het genetisch veranderde aardappelras Modena.De reden is dat de bestaande aanvragen nog steeds niet zijn gehonoreerd.Avebe voert een aantal jaren veldproeven uit met het genetisch veranderde aar...
 Late blight - Phytophthora Infestans
februari 11, 2010

Blight resistant GM potato testing planned in the UK

Scientists in Norfolk hope to start field trials in May of a genetically modified potato resistant to blight if they can get government approval.The disease, which can wipe out whole harvests, costs the worldwide potato industry £3.5bn a year. Scientis...
 Rudolph (Agrico)
januari 21, 2010

Spuds we like: Why potatoes are flavour of the month

Something special is going on in London tonight, with a buzz already building around a new designer product to be  unveiled in the witching hour. Restaurateurs, chefs and fashion-conscious foodies will be among those jostling for sizzling fare prepare...
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Minister en Pieperpad winnaars dopen bio-ras Agrico Carolus
januari 21, 2010

Carolus: het nieuwste biologische aardappelras van Agrico

Op het Veredelingsplein van de biologische vakbeurs BioVak heeft minister Gerda Verburg van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV) het jongste biologische ras van aardappelcoöperatie Agrico gedoopt tot Carolus. De naam van het ras was gekozen in ee...
 Red Duke of York
januari 13, 2010

Sainsbury's launches British Heritage Potato varieties for 'roasties'

Roast potatoes are one of the most traditional of British side dishes. But really great roast potatoes, ones that are crisp on the outside and soft and fluffy in the middle, need really great potatoes. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear and...
december 08, 2009

Emsland Stärke processed 100 tonnes amylopectin potatoes this fall

The skin is light brown, the meat luscious and yellow: from the outside alone, this new potato looks like any other. But on the inside, it is different. Its cells produce pure amylopectin, a starch used in the paper, textile and food industries. The ne...
 Food Standards Agency
november 27, 2009

Attitudes to GM Foods explored in new Food Standards Agency report

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is today publishing findings of a qualitative research project commissioned to explore public attitudes to genetic modification (GM). This report is timely and will be considered by the independent steering group that ha...
 Amflora GMO starch potato
november 02, 2009

German government endorses growing of GM starch potato Amflora

The new German government has endorsed the growing of genetically modified Amflora starch potatoes in its policy on the use of plant biotechonology. A report on the website, www.gmo-safety.eu, says the new coalition government will promote a policy of ...
Grote aardappeloogst voorspeld in Belgie
oktober 21, 2009

Grote aardappeloogst voorspeld in Belgie

Het FOD (Federale Overheidsdienst) economie heeft onverwacht een oogstprognose voor 2009 bekendgemaakt. Het door het Vlaams Ministerie van Landbouw gepubliceerde oogstcijfer komt uit op 3,33 miljoen ton, 13,5% meer dan in oogstjaar 2008 toen het defini...


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