Aardappelrassen en pootaardappelen

Yum Tasmania Gourmet potatoes. Purple Bliss is the darkest coloured potato on the right
juli 15, 2015

Australia: Purple Bliss potato could become family favourite

The new ‘purple bliss’ potato (grown in Tasmania and bred in Idaho) could become a family favourite now that it has begun producing commercial quantities, and 20 tonnes are making their way to supermarket shelves.
The Red Foo, Purple Bliss and Peruvian Gold varieties being grown at Yum Tasmania Gourmet Potatoes.
juli 30, 2014

Yum Tasmania Gourmet Potatoes add colour to any dish

Yum Tasmania Gourmet Potatoes are now being used by top chefs and home cooks across Australia and overseas to add colour to their dishes
Australia: Victorian government is working to facilitate seed potato exports to Indonesia
juni 29, 2014

Australia: Victorian government is working to facilitate seed potato exports to Indonesia

The Government of the Australian State Victoria is working to facilitate seed potato exports to Indonesia before the end of the year
Seed Potato growers on South Australia Kangaroo Island doing well this year
juni 11, 2014

Seed potato growers on South Australia Kangaroo Island doing well this year

Seed Potato growers on South Australia's Kangaroo Island have welcomed a boost in yields.
mei 13, 2012

Australian potato industry to give mash a makeover

For years the humble spud has been viewed as a simple, even boring, side dish. But that may soon change, with many in the Australian industry attempting to give mash a makeover.
 South Australian Potato Company
september 29, 2010

South Australian Potato Company launches new purple eyed potato: Kestrel

A new potato variety will be appearing on retail shelves in Australia, Asia and the Middle East in coming months from the South Australian Potato Company
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