
juni 16, 2011

Un producto natural elimina dos compuestos cancerígenos de los alimentos horneados y fritos

Un equipo de investigadores del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ha patentado un producto que reduce en un 80% la formación de acrilamida en algunos alimentos y en un 98% la de hidroximetilfurfural, dos compuestos potencialmente c...
 Interprovinciaal Proefcentrum voor de aardappelteelt
juni 15, 2011

Minder stengels bij aardappelen

Uit rassenproeven s gebleken dat de rassen dit jaar, als gevolg van de droogte, gemiddeld 0,4 à 1 stengel per struik minder ontwikkeld hebben in vergelijking met vorig jaar.
juni 15, 2011

Zilte aardappel is antwoord op klimaatverandering

De langdurige droogte en verzilting van landbouwgrond zal geen probleem meer voor akkerbouwers zijn.
juni 15, 2011

Potandon's Arizona potato operations in full swing

Potato operations for Potandon Produce are in full swing at the company's key packing facility in Arizona, owned by Pinto Creek Co.
 Omega-9 oils
juni 14, 2011

Dow AgroSciences Announces the First Saturated Fat Free Oil Product

Dow AgroSciences achieved an industry first with the unveiling of saturated fat free Omega-9 Sunflower Oil at the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting and Food Expo in New Orleans.
juni 14, 2011

Russia agrees to resume Egyptian potato imports

Egypt and Russia have agreed to resume Egyptian potato imports to Russia starting with the next season, according to Egyptian Agriculture Minister Ayman Farid Abul Hadid.
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 IFT 2011
juni 13, 2011

IFT Announces 2011 Innovation Award Winners

Incoming IFT President Roger Clemens and President-Elect John Ruff presented four companies with the 2011 IFT Food Expo Innovation Awards.
 Dacom winnaar MKB Innovatie Top 100
juni 13, 2011

Dacom winnaar MKB Innovatie top 100 met TerraSen™

Dacom uit Emmen mag zich de meest innovatieve onderneming uit het Nederlandse Midden- en Kleinbedrijf noemen.
juni 13, 2011

US Potato Stocks down 36% from 2010 (June 1)

In the United States, the 13 major potato States held 35.5 million cwt of potatoes in storage June 1, 2011, down 36 percent from a year ago.
juni 13, 2011

The future for Arby’s, Wendy’s

The $430 million sale of Arby’s Restaurant Group Inc. to Roark Capital could be qualified as addition by subtraction for both the 3,600-unit Arby’s and its former sister chain, the 6,600-unit Wendy’s.
juni 12, 2011

The nitrogen cycle: Where is your nitrogen going?

juni 12, 2011

Wet weather delays potato planting in Eastern Canada

This story is no longer available
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juni 12, 2011

Potatoes Make the Plate! New MyPlate Icon Recommends Half the Plate as Fruits and Vegetables

The recent unveiling of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) MyPlate icon heralded a bold, new visual reminder of the importance of fruit and vegetable consumption, filling half the plate with these two important food groups.
juni 12, 2011

Idaho Potato Seed Farmers Face Late Season

Idaho Potato seed farmers are battling Mother Nature to get their seeds in the ground.
juni 12, 2011

Ciclo del Nitrógeno: Para dónde se va este elemento?

Con la llegada de la primavera, la pérdida de nitrógeno del suelo de nuestras granjas no es sólo una preocupación, es más bien una realidad desagradable. Sin embargo, utilizar la palabra "perdido"para describir el lugar a dónde se ha ido el n...
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Breeders Trust en Belgische aardappeltelers komen tot overeenstemming

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juni 10, 2011

Low acrylamide potato lines created by University of Wisconsin scientists

What do Americans love more than French fries and potato chips? The answer: Not much...
juni 10, 2011

La Universidad de Wisconsin crea líneas de papa con bajos niveles de acrilamida

Existe algo que los estadounidenses amen más que las papas fritas y las papas a la francesa? No hay muchas cosas... pero tal vez las estén amando más de lo que deberían hacerlo. Haciendo a un lado las grasas y las calorías, ambos alimentos contienen al...


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