
maart 09, 2012

La producción de papa del Reino Unido amenazada por enfermedad que afecta a Europa

Los cultivos de papa en el Reino Unido se encuentran expuestos al riesgo de una nueva y agresiva enfermedad que se ha extendido rápidamente por todo el resto de Europa. La enfermedad, Dickeya solani, ha sido vista por primera vez hace sólo siete años, ...
maart 08, 2012

Practical tips for potato growers facing water restrictions

The 12 months up to January was the eighth-driest year in the UK since records began and unless there is substantial, above-average rainfall in the coming weeks, growers will almost certainly face water restrictions this summer.
maart 08, 2012

Idaho farmers reject processors' contract offers

Idaho potato growers have rejected processors' contract offers, convinced they were insufficient to cover rising input costs and prevention of the emerging disease zebra chip.
maart 07, 2012

Idaho fresh-packers partner with fingerling farm

Recent growth at Southwind Farms in Heyburn, Idaho, should make it the nation's second largest supplier of fingerling potatoes this season.
maart 07, 2012

Argentina: La superficie con papa se redujo a la mitad y el precio se duplicó

A partir de una considerable disminución de la superficie implantada esta temporada y ya sobre el final de la primera cosecha en Mendoza, el precio de la papa experimentó un interesante incremento en los mercados de concentración.
maart 07, 2012

Sri Lanka imposes special levy on imported potatoes

The Sri Lankan government has decided to impose a special tax on imported potatoes.
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maart 07, 2012

Returns from long-term potato storage only in high price years?

Time spent assessing the crop is time well spent, said North Norfolk potato grower Tony Bambridge, speaking at Sutton Bridge Crop Storage Research.
maart 07, 2012

Canada: Prince Edward Island can export more spuds, says potato supplier

Prince Edward Island needs to be more competitive in the global market for Island potatoes.
maart 07, 2012

Australian seed potato production devastated by floods

Crookwell's $3 million a year potato industry has been devastated by last week’s flood rains, following weeks of humid drizzly weather.
Jan Hoogenboom vertrekt naar Agrico
maart 06, 2012

Jan Hoogenboom vertrekt naar Agrico

Na 26 jaar verlaat financieel specialist Jan Hoogenboom HZPC. Hij wordt financieel manager bij Agrico. Jan Hoogenboom stond jarenlang telers en de pers te woord bij de bekendmaking van financiële resultaten van HZPC. Daardoor wordt hij in de sector g...
 Potato Industry Leadership Institute
maart 06, 2012

New Leaders Trained at 2012 Potato Industry Leadership Institute

Eighteen potato growers and industry representatives from across the United States joined together to form the 2012 class of the Potato Industry Leadership Institute (PILI), an annual program designed to identify, develop and cultivate new leaders within the potato industry.
 University Ghent
maart 05, 2012

Nieuwe ggo aardappelproef in Wetteren, maar zonder Fortuna

In het Belgische Wetteren wordt dit jaar opnieuw een ggo-aardappelproefveld aangelegd. De Fortuna-lijn van BASF wordt echter uitgesloten. Op die manier zijn alleen wetenschappelijke instellingen betrokken bij het onderzoek. Dat is één van de voorwaarde...
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maart 05, 2012

Farmers preferring sugarcane production to potatoes in Meerut this year

Potato production numbers may fall this year in Meerut. Experts blame degrading congenial weather conditions and more farmers opting for cane plantation instead of potato as reasons behind the drop. At present, Uttar Pradesh accounts for approximately...
maart 05, 2012

Growth of restaurant chain Five Guys Burgers and Fries brings success for Idaho broker

Five Guys Burgers and Fries opened about 200 new locations in 2011, and the Lorton, Va.-based chain plans to open about 200 more in 2012. That’s great news for Rick Miles Produce Service. The Rigby, Idaho, broker and distributor is the sole supplier o...
maart 05, 2012

UK potato crop at risk from aggressive new disease

An aggressive strain of disease is a major threat to the country’s potato industry, a leading researcher has warned.
maart 05, 2012

UK: Top Norfolk grower’s potato storage secret: Use your nose

Store managers must use their nose to achieve the best results, said award-winning Norfolk potato grower Tony Bambridge.
Native Potatoes
maart 04, 2012

Ecuador: El cultivo de papa nativa se duplicó en dos años

En Ecuador existen alrededor de 47 mil hectáreas sembradas de papa. De estas, alrededor de 4 mil corresponden a variedades nativas. Esto significa que apenas cerca del 10% del área cultivada produce papas originarias. Pero hace dos años apenas represe...
 Belgapom notering 2 maart 2012
maart 04, 2012

Belgapom notering daalt verder naar € 35,00/ton

De Belgapomprijs is de meest gehanteerde prijs, waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor Bintje, voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt, af producent, los op wagen, voor onmiddellijke levering/ophaling. Voor...


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