
april 16, 2012

Liquid fertilizer manufacturer SC&W receives government support

The provincial and federal governments announced today that they are making a combined investment of $297,775 to help SC&W Solutions Ltd. expand its liquid fertilizer operation to meet increasing demand for its product in export markets.
april 16, 2012

UK: Fenmarc powered by renewable energy

Fresh produce supplier Fenmarc in the UK is set to source all its electricity from renewable energy following the successful commissioning of a local Anaerobic Digestion plant.
april 16, 2012

Benchmarking tool for irrigation users launched

Potato growers in the UK could save money, boost yields and help the environment through a new irrigation benchmarking tool.
april 16, 2012

Klamath Basin now home for Tri-State Potato Variety Development Program

The local extension center in Klamath Falls now develops new varieties of potatoes that farmers from all over the Pacific Northwest — Oregon, Washington and Idaho — will plant for years to come.
april 16, 2012

Chile: Pequeños productores de Purranque aprenden manejo agronómico de la papa

Especialista de INIA hizo una completa capacitación desde la elección del potrero, la preparación de suelo, el uso de una buena semilla, la densidad de plantación y fertilización, pasando por el control de malezas y enfermedades, cosecha y finalmente...
april 16, 2012

Un programa de la FAO ayuda a fortalecer el cultivo de la papa en Guatemala

Con el fin de fortalecer a los pequeños productores de papa, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO, en inglés) invertirá US$1 millón en el programa Agro cadenas. “Los papicultores del país tienen tres debilid...
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april 16, 2012

HZPC wordt 100% eigenaar van HZPC-Kantaperuna AB (Finland)

Het pootaardappelbedrijf HZPC-Kantaperuna AB is gestart als een joint venture tussen twee pootaardappelbedrijven Pohjoisen Kantayhtiö uit Finland (60%) en HZPC uit Nederland (40%). Onlangs heeft HZPC de resterende 60% van de aandelen van Kantaperuna ov...
april 15, 2012

Areaal aardappelen in Vlaanderen daalt licht

Het areaal vroege aardappelen in Vlaanderen daalt dit jaar met 10 procent. Het areaal bewaaraardappelen krimpt met 0,3 procent. Dat blijkt uit een enquête van het Belgische onderzoekscentrum PCA onder 123 telers. Het PCA spreekt van een voorzichtige e...
april 15, 2012

Belgie wordt grootste exporteur aardappelprodukten

België heeft Nederland als grootste aardappelexporteur van de troon gestoten. Van de Belgische akkers is vorig jaar 3,2 miljard kilo aan verse aardappelen verwerkt tot friet, rösti, puree en diepvriesproducten.
april 15, 2012

UK: Potato weed control in drier conditions

Despite continuing dry weather, potato growers still need to control weeds effectively in order to get the crop off to a strong start and some are electing to use more traditional herbicides which they have found offer a better chance of performing under dry conditions.
april 15, 2012

Satiety and vegetables: shape matters, shows Australian study

A new study investigating the role that vegetables can play in making you ‘feel full’, a sensation known as satiety, has produced findings that show maximal satiety benefit is achieved with larger ‘intact’ pieces of vegetables, in this case carrots, co...
april 13, 2012

New Brunswick potato producers receive government support to deal with costs of wet conditions

New Brunswick potato producers who incurred extraordinary costs due to excess moisture conditions in 2011 will receive financial assistance from the federal and provincial governments
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Improved potato varieties ensure Peruvian communities have enough to eat

Excessive rains and the increased presence of late blight disease devastated Peru’s Cusco region in 2010, prompting the government to declare a national emergency.
april 12, 2012

Florida red potato volumes should rise

Florida potato grower-shippers reported strong demand in early April, but an early start to the northern Florida deal could yield sluggish red potato markets in May. The week of April 9, all production in the Sunshine State was coming from the souther...
april 12, 2012

'Net Positive Attitudes Metric' introduced at 2012 USPB Annual Meeting

A new United States Potato Board (USPB) demand metric was introduced by President and CEO Tim O’Connor at the USPB’s 40th Annual Meeting.
april 12, 2012

Tasmania: Farm gate value of potatoes almost $100 million

Tasmania's annual potato harvest is in full swing and demand from a hungry fast-food sector for good french fry-making spuds has pushed up the farm gate value to almost $100 million this year.
april 12, 2012

Kenya: Low cost potato storage project launched

A project to introduce low-cost potato seed storage system in regions in Kenya where the crop is grown has been launched.
april 12, 2012

Eerste opperdoezen naar Enschede

Groothandelaar Willem Dijk AFG in Enschede heeft woensdag het eerste kistje geveilde Opperdoezer Ronde aardappelen gekocht.


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