Inauguran centro de innovación para mejorar calidad de la papa en Guatemala
augustus 28, 2016

Inauguran centro de innovación para mejorar calidad de la papa en Guatemala

Un centro de innovación y desarrollo de tecnología agrícola que servirá para mejorar la calidad de la producción agrícola en el departamento de San Marcos fue inaugurado hoy por el presidente Jimmy Morales, quien llamó a los productores a aprovechar las ventajas que el centro les ofrece.
Belgapom now provides pricing for potato varieties Challenger and Fontane in addition to Bintje
augustus 28, 2016

Belgapom now provides pricing for potato varieties Challenger and Fontane in addition to Bintje

Starting from the 2016 – 2017 season, the Belgapom quotation will be made up of three parts, each supplemented by their own market sentiment: Bintje, Challenger and Fontane.
Satisfactory end of the early potato season for Lower Saxony, Germany
augustus 28, 2016

Satisfactory end of the early potato season for Lower Saxony, Germany

The 2016 early potato season ended on the 10th of August. And according to the Lower Saxony Potato Producers Association the early potato harvest was satisfactory.
Latin America loses up to 20% of its potato to the drought
augustus 28, 2016

Latin America loses up to 20% of its potato to the drought

Several experts on potato crops stated in Panama that global warming destroyed between 10% and 20% of Latin America's annual potato production and that it had become the main threat faced by this crop, even more than late blight, an aggressive fungus that affects this crop.
AUSVEG and PMA-ANZ combine forces to host joint industry event in 2017
augustus 28, 2016

AUSVEG and PMA-ANZ combine forces to host joint industry event in 2017

AUSVEG and PMA Australia-New Zealand Limited (PMA-ANZ) will unite to deliver a joint industry conference and trade show in 2017.
Desarrollan en Cuba bioplaguicida para controlar plagas de la papa
augustus 26, 2016

Desarrollan en Cuba bioplaguicida para controlar plagas de la papa

Una planta para producir "tabaquina", sustancia elaborada a partir de la picadura o polvo de rapé del tabaco, se inauguró en Cuba para sustituir la aplicación de productos químicos en los campos y neutralizar la acción de plagas como los pulgones, la mosca blanca, ácaros y pequeñas larvas de otros lepidópteros.
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Food regulator Australia and New Zealand is reviewing Simplot's GMO Innate potato
augustus 24, 2016

Food regulator Australia and New Zealand is reviewing Simplot's GMO Innate potato

Australia's food regulator has called for submissions as it reviews a genetically-modified potato designed to produce less chemicals when fried.
Agricultural production (potato) in Angola's coastal Cuanza Sul province
augustus 24, 2016

Cuanza Sul - Condé region in Angola to Increase Potato Production

The administrative authorities of the Condé municipality, in the coastal Cuanza Sul province, are working to acquire potato seeds in order to increase the potato production in the region.
Dr. Potato Is Always On Call For Idaho Potato Questions
augustus 23, 2016

Dr. Potato Is Always On Call For Idaho Potato Questions

When reviewing the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) website analytics for the past year (August 2015-August 2016), IPC staff wasn’t surprised to find that Dr. Potato (alias Don Odiorne, Vice President-Foodservice) had garnered 959,328 page views, nearly 50% of all views.
How Potatoes USA is restructuring the Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE)
augustus 23, 2016

How Potatoes USA is restructuring the Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE)

During the Potatoes USA Summer Meeting held in Seattle August 10, it was announced that the Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE) has been restructured in an effort to minimize overhead costs and expand research on potato nutrition.
Danielle Golden
augustus 23, 2016

Heartland Farms Appoints Danielle Golden as Sr. Sales and Customer Service Manager

Heartland Farms, Inc. announced today that Danielle Golden has joined the farm to further develop their growing portfolio of regional and national accounts.
Aviko Potato provides detailed information on the development of the potato crop
augustus 23, 2016

Aviko Potato provides detailed information on the development of the 2016 potato crop

Yearly Aviko Potatoes follows the progress of the potato crop through regular sampling and the resulting data are shared publicly based on their commitment to transparency. PotatoPro took a closer look.
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Cambio climático destruye 20% del cultivo anual de papa en Latinoamérica
augustus 22, 2016

Cambio climático destruye 20% del cultivo anual de papa en Latinoamérica

El calentamiento global destruye entre el 10 % y el 20 % de la producción anual de papa en América Latina y se ha convertido en la principal amenaza que enfrenta este cultivo, por encima incluso de un agresivo hongo conocido como tizón tardío, coincidieron hoy varios expertos en Panamá.
Volm Companies - a solutions provider for potato packaging - break ground for a new manufacturing and distribution facility
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Volm Companies - a solutions provider for potato packaging - break ground for a new manufacturing and distribution facility

Volm Companies held a groundbreaking ceremony on August 10 for their new manufacturing and distribution facility in Pasco, Washington.
Croatian Potato Growers unable to compete with imports form France and Germany
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Croatian Potato Growers unable to compete with imports from France and Germany

Consumers in Croatia say that local potatoes should not be more expensive than German or French potatoes.
Jamaica's capacity to produce virus-free seed potatoes gets boost
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Jamaica's capacity to produce virus-free seed potatoes gets boost

Jamaica’s capacity to produce clean Irish potato seedlings has been enhanced with a $19-million allocation from the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF).
Potato exporters from Algeria stuck for days at the Tunisian border
augustus 21, 2016

Potato exporters from Algeria stuck for days at the Tunisian border

Algerian potato exporters are still having trouble at the border crossing Tebessa between Algeria and Tunisia. Tunisian customs do not allow trucks carrying tons of potatoes to enter Tunisia although all the legal procedures are completed.
Guatemala: Con ayuda de USAID se construyó una planta para procesar papa
augustus 20, 2016

Guatemala: Con ayuda de USAID se construyó una planta para procesar papa

Durante el acto de inauguración, Gregory Howell, director de la Oficina de Crecimiento Económico de la Agencia para el Desarrollo de Estados Unidos (Usaid), dijo que con la planta se espera superar las ventas anuales en por lo menos US$1.6 millones, unos Q12 millones.


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