GRIMME & TOMRA Join Forces To Offer Integrated Potato Grading & Sorting Solutions
december 05, 2017

GRIMME & TOMRA Join Forces To Offer Integrated Potato Grading & Sorting Solutions

GRIMME Group has joined forces with TOMRA, the global leader in food sorting solutions. The partnership will result in the industry-leading TOMRA FPS (Field Potato Sorter) being integrated into C to create the GRIMME PowerCombi solution.
 Productores ecuatorianos enfrentan al tizón tardío usando una herramienta desarrollada por INIAP y CIP
december 04, 2017

Productores ecuatorianos enfrentan al tizón tardío usando una herramienta desarrollada por INIAP y CIP

Se trata de un juego de tres ruedas didácticas, a través del cual, productores y técnicos determinan cómo afrontar la enfermedad. En la decisión influyen las condiciones climáticas y el tiempo de la última aplicación.
Cooperación técnica con Perú beneficiaría a productores de papa colombianos
december 04, 2017

Cooperación técnica con Perú beneficiaría a productores de papa colombianos

Para mejorar la calidad de sus cultivos, productores de siete municipios de la Provincia de Almeidas serán beneficiarios de un acuerdo de cooperación técnica entre la Gobernación de Cundinamarca y el Gobierno del Perú.
Maine Potato Board happy about spud quality, new variety
december 04, 2017

Maine Potato Board happy about spud quality, new variety

After one of the most unique potato harvests in recent memory, Don Flannery, executive director of the Maine Potato Board, said Wednesday that he felt good about all the industry accomplished this year and was optimistic about year ahead.
Aldi’s potato sales rocket in Wales
december 04, 2017

Aldi’s potato sales rocket in Wales

Aldi’s potato sales in Wales have risen by a third since the retailer began sales of Welsh potatoes five months ago, highlighting the popularity of homegrown produce in the country.
BP2017 sees AHDB Potatoes Next Generation programme 2018 applications open
december 04, 2017

BP2017 sees AHDB Potatoes Next Generation programme 2018 applications open

AHDB is seeking 15 up-and-coming professionals with a passion for driving the potato industry forwards to join the 2018 Next Generation programme, launching in April next year.
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Potato Breeder Solynta Secures Strong Financial Backing
december 04, 2017

Potato Breeder Solynta Secures Strong Financial Backing

Potato breeder Solynta announced the completion of a €16 million series B financing round by new investors Fortissimo Capital and Innovation Industries as well as existing investors.
Las importaciones estarían afectando a la industria de la papa en Colombia
december 03, 2017

Las importaciones estarían afectando a la industria de la papa en Colombia

Por tal situación, antes de fin de año, se podrían estar dictando medidas cautelares contra los comercializadores que incurren en ‘dumping’ de producto precocido congelado.
Potatoes USA Organises First Ever School Foodservice Potato Recipe Testing Roadshow
november 30, 2017

Potatoes USA Organises First Ever School Foodservice Potato Recipe Testing Roadshow

Earlier this month representatives from Potatoes USA met with the School District of LaCrosse, Wisconsin to test school foodservice recipes with the K-12 experts themselves.
 Colombia: Corpoica lanza nueva variedad de papa criolla
november 29, 2017

Lanzan en Colombia una nueva variedad de papa criolla

La Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (Corpoica) lanzó la variedad Sol Andina para los departamentos de Cundinamarca y Boyacá. Sol Andina tiene un periodo vegetativo menor (de 110 a 120 días).que el de las variedades usadas comunmente.
Empresa gallega produce por primera vez en España un vodka hecho con base en papas
november 28, 2017

Empresa gallega produce por primera vez en España un vodka hecho con papas

Nordes utiliza papas de las variedades Kennebec y Agria para elaborar un destilado de aroma sueave y elegante.
El exceso de producción en Francia y España hunde un 30% el precio de la papa en Galicia
november 27, 2017

El exceso de producción en Francia y España hunde un 30% el precio de la papa en Galicia

Muchos agricultores optan por almacenar la cosecha, que es de gran calidad. Prevén ponerla en el mercado dentro de unos meses cuando su valor vuelva a repuntar
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How should the next Potato Europe be organised?
november 27, 2017

How should the next Potato Europe be organised?

For the second time in a row, Potato Europe in Emmeloord, the Netherlands, has fallen through. And the consequences were extreme this year as the first day of the fair was cancelled. We look back with some of the exhibitors and people involved. And we look ahead, because what is going to happen in coming years?
UMaine receive grant for potato breeding and to improve quality and pest resistance
november 27, 2017

UMaine receives grant for potato breeding with focus on quality improvement and pest resistance

The USDA-NIFA has awarded a grant totaling $388,000 to the University of Maine to study potato breeding and improve quality and pest resistance in the eastern United States.
Uruguay: Area sembrada de papa cae un 12% pero no tendrá un impacto relevante
november 22, 2017

Uruguay: Area sembrada de papa cae un 12% pero no tendrá un impacto relevante

El abastecimiento de papa sigue siendo suficiente, considerando que queda un buen stock del producto de la última zafra, y que pronto llegará al mercado la papa de primavera/verano.
Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe sets record performance price: 82 euros
november 21, 2017

Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe sets record performance price: 82 euros

Coöperatie Avebe achieved a performance price of more than 82 euros. This is almost 7% higher than last year, and a new record: the performance price has never exceeded the 80 euros threshold before.
Research into sustainable management practices to increase fertilizer efficiency receives support from the Canadian Government
november 21, 2017

Research: How can we increase fertilizer efficiency?

The government of Canada last week announced a $1.8 million investment in a research project at the University of British Columbia that includes the development of beneficial management practices for increasing the efficiency of fertilizer use in potatoes.
Avebe zet goede lijn door met record prestatieprijs: ruim 82 euro
november 21, 2017

Avebe zet goede lijn door met record prestatieprijs: ruim 82 euro

Coöperatie Avebe realiseerde een prestatieprijs van ruim 82 euro. Dit is bijna 7% hoger dan vorig jaar,en een nieuw record: nog niet eerder kwam de prestatieprijs boven de grens van de 80 euro.


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