Ellas lideran la cosecha de 387 toneladas de papa en Colombia
maart 13, 2018

Ellas lideran la cosecha de 387 toneladas de papa en Colombia

En el municipio de Toca, departamento de Boyacá, 17 mujeres y sus familias se le midieron a encabezar la producción de materia prima.
MacFry Academy opens its doors to UK Potato Growers
maart 12, 2018

MacFry Academy opens its doors to UK Potato Growers

The potato growers supplying McDonald’s in the United Kingdom can get a free agronomy skills training to improve crop performance and quality with the launch of the MacFry Potato Academy.
Jamaican Resort Group supports farmers to provide guests with local potatoes
maart 11, 2018

Jamaican Resort Group supports farmers to provide guests with local potatoes

Jamaican potato farmers receive financial support from an unexpected source: a hotel chain wanting to serve its guests with locally grown Irish potatoes
Psyllid tests could help potato market access
maart 08, 2018

Psyllid tests could help potato market access in Western Australia

Potato farmers could see Eastern States markets reopen in the near future which are still closed to WA following the tomato potato psyllid outbreak last year.
Europatat Congress 2018 – New speakers confirmed!
maart 08, 2018

Europatat Congress 2018 confirms new speakers

Under the slogan 'Potatoes: a healthy, sustainable and responsible sector', the Congress will focus on the many assets of the sector in the, both politically and technical key areas of health, sustainability and responsibility of the business.
Perú empezó a exportar papa blanca al Brasil
maart 07, 2018

Perú empezó a exportar papa blanca al Brasil

El Gobierno logró impulsar la primera venta de papa blanca al mercado brasilero. Se trata de un lote de 20 toneladas de la variedad Yungay, que beneficiará a productores de Junín, Huánuco, Ayacucho y Huancavelica.
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Banco Mundial destaca cadenas de valor de la papa nativa
maart 06, 2018

Banco Mundial destaca cadenas de valor de la papa nativa

Un libro publicado por el Banco Mundial cuenta cómo los agricultores andinos venden sus variedades de papas nativas a mejores precios, gracias al trabajo del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) y sus socios.
Agristo starts construction of second french fry line in Wielsbeke within months
maart 06, 2018

Agristo starts construction of second french fry line in Wielsbeke within months

An investment of ‎€ 200 million (USD 250 million) in a brand new French Fry plant in Wielsbeke, Belgium. That's what Hannelore Raes and Filip Wallays expect it will take to push their family company Agristo into the top five french fry manufacturers worldwide.
Idaho Potato Crop of 2017 valued at $1.2 billion, a 22.7% increase!
maart 06, 2018

USDA estimates the 2017 Idaho Potato Crop Value at $1.2 billion, up 22.7 percent

The USDA reported the preliminary estimated value for the Idaho® Potato crop of 2017 at USD 1.2 billion, a 22.7% leap from the previous year.
Potato Export Ukraine more than tripled in 2017
maart 06, 2018

Potato Export Ukraine more than tripled in 2017

In 2017, the Ukraine exported 17.6 thousand tonnes of potatoes, 3.5 times more than in 2016
Agriculture ministry Fiji keeps pushing potato farming
maart 05, 2018

Agriculture ministry Fiji keeps pushing potato farming

Villagers of the Districts of Yawe and Tavuki (in the province Kadavu, Fiji) heard that the government was promoting potato farming in a select few provinces of Fiji and that Kadavu was one of them.
Potato Farmers in Bangladesh worried by fall potato price
maart 05, 2018

Potato Farmers in Bangladesh worried by drop in potato price

Potato growers of the Thakurgaon district, Bangladesh are worried that they might not be able to recover the production cost due to sudden drop in the prices of the vegetable in the ongoing harvesting season.
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Estonian Potato Growers receive emergency support from government
maart 05, 2018

Estonian Potato Growers receive emergency support from government

Estonian Potato Growers who were unable to harvest part of their crops due to excessive rainfall last fall will receive financial support from their government.
Never Store Seed Potatoes in CIPC treated Storages, warns McCain Storage Export John Walsh
maart 04, 2018

Never Store Seed Potatoes in a CIPC treated Storage, warns McCain Storage Expert

During the International Potato Technology Expo on Prince Edward Island (PEI) in Canada, John Walsh, Associate Principal Scientist, Potato Storage at McCain Foods, warned farmers for the effects of low levels of CIPC on seed potato performance.
México: Se desploma por calor rendimiento de la papa
maart 03, 2018

México: Se desploma por calor rendimiento de la papa

Las cosechas de los predios sembrados en octubre y noviembre, meses con mucho calor, han tenido un desplome de hasta el 25% en rendimiento.
Dutch French Fries a hit in South Korea
maart 03, 2018

Dutch French Fries gaining ground in South Korea

Dutch potato processing companies are increasing their market share in the South Korean Frozen French Fry market.
Jefe del banco de germoplasma del CIP es premiado con el Crop Trust Legacy Award
maart 02, 2018

Crop Trust premia al Jefe del Banco de Germoplasma del CIP

Crop Trust, organización internacional que apoya la conservación del germoplasma de los cultivos, galardonó al Dr. David Ellis, jefe del Banco de Germoplasma del Centro Internacional de la Papa con el premio Crop Trust Legacy.
Amount of stored potatoes in Europe high compared to previous years
maart 01, 2018

Amount of stored potatoes in Europe high compared to previous years

The North-Western European Potato Growers report on volume and condition of the potatoes still in storage


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