
Challenge Vultus: Yield Prediction for Potato Fields with 91% Accuracy
februari 12, 2025

Challenge Vultus: Yield Prediction for Potato Fields with 91% Accuracy

Over the past four years, Vultus has performed field trials, collecting field data to develop several analysis services for the potato industry and their farmers.
Vultus Potato Suite
december 18, 2024

Vultus and Agdir enter into an agreement with Latvian Aloja Starkelsen and Findus Norway

Vultus AB (publ) and Agdir Drift AS have combined their sales activities and their joint offer is received by the market as expected: The two companies have entered into cooperation with the Latvian starch producer Aloja Starkelsen and the Norwegian part of Findus Group.
A Helping Gene for Healthier Plants
november 01, 2024

New Gene Discovery Offers Method to Boost Potato Plant Resilience to Fungi, Drought, and Climate Stress

Researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) have discovered a new gene that controls plants' sensitivity to threats like fungi and drought. The working of this gene was confirmed in potatoes and tobacco.
Vultus analyses demonstrate exceptional accuracy in Lyckeby's three-year potato field trials, as confirmed by comparative studies.
juni 26, 2024

Comparative studies confirm high accuracy in Vultus analyses during Lyckeby's three-year field trials

Vultus, in collaboration with Lyckeby and Hushållningssällskapet, has developed a satellite image analysis algorithm for precision fertilization in potato farming, demonstrating superior accuracy in predicting leaf nitrogen content in Swedish field trials.
Vultus: IFFCO Kisan sets new record of requests on the analysis platform
april 10, 2024

Vultus: IFFCO Kisan sets new record of requests on the analysis platform

Vultus AB (publ) has announced a new platform record with 21,000 fields analysed in one day.
Vultus introduces new service for more effective disease control in potato crops
maart 28, 2024

Vultus introduces new service for more effective disease control in potato crops

Vultus AB launches a new service together with AR Tarim, part of Agrico and Europlant, for earlier detection of diseases in potato crops.
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Vultus Potato Suite
oktober 09, 2023

Vultus: Cultivating the Future of Potato Farming with Precision and Innovation

In a transformative leap for precision farming, Vultus, spearheads an agricultural revolution with its pioneering Analysis as a Service (AaaS). Their technology is poised to redefine modern farming, empowering farmers to maximize productivity, enhance crop quality, and reduce their environmental impact while boosting their profitability.

Dairy free DUG Potato Drink - Use as Milk
september 12, 2023

'DUG potato drink' challenges milk around the world with partnerships in China, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Poland

Veg of Lund continued its international expansion plans and launched the DUG brand plant-based milk in Germany, Poland, Japan, and Italy.
Veg of lund receives a Swedish patent protecting the company's plant-based ice cream
mei 27, 2023

Potato-based ice cream: Veg of Lund receives a patent for the company's ice cream

The Swedish Intellectual Property Office (PRV) has notified Veg of Lund AB that the authority intends to approve the patent application SE 2250375-9 which defines the company’s unique vegetable ice cream alternative.
European Commission's positive conclusion on continued use of CRISPR for a competitive and green future.
mei 07, 2021

Swedish Starch industry pleased with European Commission's positive conclusion on the use of CRISPR

On 29 April 2021, the European Commission published a study into new genomic techniques and the consequences of the European Court of Justice's July 2018 judgment.
Tolsma-Grisnich and Grimme Scandinavia start collaboration in Scandinavia to meet demand for complete potato projects
maart 29, 2019

Tolsma-Grisnich and Grimme Scandinavia start collaboration in Scandinavia to meet demand for complete potato projects

Demand is increasing for complete projects for potatoes from planting through to storage and processing. To respond to that need Tolsma-Grisnich and Grimme Scandinavia have joined forces to become a reliable ‘total partner’ for the Scandinavian market.
Potato Milk: Swedish scientist makes dairy substitute from potatoes
december 13, 2017

Potato Milk: Swedish scientist makes dairy substitute from potatoes

A smoothie based on 'potato milk' is expected to be commercially available next year. The product is made using a patented process using an emulsion of potato and omega-3 oils as a dairy replacement developed at Lund University by Eva Tornberg.
Belgian delegation explores Swedish potato market
juni 02, 2016

Belgian delegation explores Swedish potato market

For Belgian potato traders, Sweden is a small, but admittedly growing market. In late April, the potential for Belgian fresh and processed potato exports was further explored.
Promising new potato varieties of HZPC (2013)
augustus 27, 2014

HZPC ends participation in HZPC Sverige Ab

HZPC has decided to end its participation in HZPC Sverige AB (Sweden, Billdal). Reason for the decision is insufficient profitability, caused by the slow modernization of the Swedish Seed potato market
 Snackex Spanish
juni 11, 2013

Snackex 2013: la industria, ante un nuevo mercado

Snackex es la feria especializada en los sectores de los snacks salados y frutos secos más importante de Europa. Organizada por la Asociación Europea de Aperitivos (ESA), este evento bienal se celebra por primera vez en Gotenburgo (Suecia)
december 12, 2011

Potato Harvest of table potatoes in Sweden up 7%

The Swedish harvest of table potatoes (all potatoes, only excludes potatoes used for starch production) is estimated at 581.000 tonnes. This is 38.100 tonnes or 7 percent more than the total harvest in 2010. Four counties dominate the cultivation of t...
december 08, 2011

Zweden oogst 7% meer consumptieaardappelen

De consumptieaardappeloogst in Zweden is becijferd op 581.000 ton. Dat is 31.800 ton (7 procent) meer dan in 2010. Dat deelt de rijksdienst landbouw in Jönköping mee. De hectareopbrengst is volgens de dienst uitgekomen op ruim 29 ton (plus 6 procent t...
mei 19, 2011

Greenpeace blokkeert opslagplaats genetich gemodificeerde aardappelen BASF

Donderdag blokkeerden actievoeders van Greenpeace in Zweden een opslagplaats waar het Duitse bedrijf BASF genetisch gemodificeerde Amflora-aardappelen bewaart.


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