
Paving ways to a robust and vibrant potato seed sector in Tanzania
juli 18, 2023

Paving the way for a robust and vibrant seed potato sector in Tanzania

Tanzania and the Netherlands have agreed to collaborate on developing a joint roadmap for the thriving seed potato ecosystem.
New platform deemed a boon for potato farmers in East Africa.
juni 29, 2022

New platform deemed a boon for potato farmers in East Africa

Commercialisation of potato, a common food crop largely consumed in East Africa, will receive a boost following the launching of a value-chain platform dedicated to it.
Tanzania, Netherlands sign potato deal
augustus 12, 2018

Tanzania, Netherlands sign potato deal

The permanent secretary in the ministry of Agriculture, Mr Mathew Mtigumwe, and the Dutch Ambassador to Tanzania, Mr Jeroen Verheul, signed the document on behalf of the two governments.
Tanzania Sets Record in Potato Research, to Release Improved Varieties
februari 27, 2018

Tanzania Sets Record in Potato Research, to Release Improved Varieties

Tanzania has excelled in experimental trials of high yielding and disease resistant potato varieties under a climate smart agriculture programme aimed to improve food security.
Farmers in Tanzania benefit from more resilient potato varieties
maart 17, 2017

Farmers in Tanzania benefit from more resilient potato varieties

Situated in the Northeast of Tanzania, the district of Lushoto is part of the so called highlands of Tanzania where potatoes are traditionally grown. Due to heat and lack of resilient potato varieties, farmers would often lose all the crop.
Potato farmers in Tanzania get recommendation to use Mechanization
februari 16, 2017

Potato farmers in Tanzania are urged to use Mechanization

In a bid to increase yields of Irish potatoes production in Tanzania, Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzanians (SAGCOT) has introduced a new system where its growers are encouraged to use modern tilling tractors in its pilot study areas.
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Tanzania signs agreement with The Netherlands to boost Potato Production
juni 18, 2016

Tanzania signs agreement with The Netherlands to boost Potato Production

Potato growers in Tanzania stand to benefit from a new agreement between Netherlands and Tanzania, targeting to help farmers in the country boost the tubers production as well as being provided with potential market outlets abroad.
East African drone pilot project started to gather crop data in Tanzania
februari 26, 2016

East African drone pilot project started to gather crop data in Tanzania

Researchers from the University of Nairobi, the International Potato Centre (CIP) and others ave started a pilot project in Tanzania, where a drone was able to pinpoint 14 different varieties of sweet potatoes in Ukiriguru Research Institute in Mwanza.
januari 16, 2012

New potato varieties give hope to Tanzania farmers

A recent case study by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) showcases a new effort to produce high quality seed potatoes for farmers in Tanzania.


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