
HZPC beëindigt deelneming in HZPC Sverige ab
augustus 27, 2014

HZPC beëindigt deelneming in HZPC Sverige ab

HZPC heeft besloten om zijn deelneming in HZPC Sverige ab (Zweden, Billdal) te beëindigen. Reden is de onvoldoende rendabiliteit, die wordt veroorzaakt door de trage modernisering van de Zweedse pootaardappelmarkt
iPot participants (Courtesy VILT)
augustus 25, 2014

Belgian Potato Industry launches industrial potato monitoring platform 'iPot'

Belgapom is partnering with research institutions to developed a platform to increase the efficiency of potato production, combining data from drones and satellites.
Seed potato exports from GB outstrip previous levels once more
augustus 19, 2014

Seed potato exports from GB outstrip previous levels once more

As Potato Council and the GB seed potato sector prepare for next months’ Potato Europe event in Germany, recent export statistics confirm that GB seed potatoes continue to be in demand around the world, with the 2013/14 figures revealing a new seed exports record from Britain.
A Royal Visit for Greenvale
augustus 19, 2014

A Royal Visit for Greenvale

The UK’s largest grower and supplier of potatoes, with a site at Burrelton, attended Scotland’s second largest agricultural show for the first time in order to promote its GreenVale potato brand. The company not only had an exhibition stand but were sponsoring the cookery demonstration given by Lady Clare MacDonald and supplied her with GreenVale potatoes to use in her recipes
Lancashire potato grower opens his farm gates to share best practice
augustus 19, 2014

Lancashire potato grower opens his farm gates to share best practice

Aughton potato grower Andrew Webster’s desire to try the science in Potato Council-funded trials to increase productivity at his own farm is to be opened up to other growers, Thursday 11 September.
Homenaje de la Deutsche Welle a la papa
augustus 18, 2014

Homenaje de la Deutsche Welle a la papa

La emisora internacional de Alemania acaba de hacerle un homenaje a la papa. Usando recursos multimedia, la nota destaca la biodiversidad genética del tubérculo en el Perú.
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Aerial view of Potato Europe in Germany in 2010
augustus 10, 2014

Potato Europe 2014: in Germany for the third time.

On 3 and 4 September 2014 the international potato sector will be on show for PotatoEurope 2014, in Germany for the third time after 2006 and 2010.
El CIP y HZPC apoyan a agricultores en preservar la variación genética de sus papas
augustus 07, 2014

El CIP y HZPC apoyan a agricultores en preservar la variación genética de sus papas

Las papas de colores (perupas) son la respuesta de HZPC a las demandas de grandes chefs y cocineros domésticos por una variedad en la presentación y el gusto de los tubérculos.
Russia bans agricultural imports from west in tit-for-tat sanctions move
augustus 07, 2014

Russia bans agricultural imports from west in tit-for-tat sanctions move

Vladimir Putin has banned the import of agricultural goods from countries that have imposed sanctions on Russia in a tit-for-tat move that deepens the economic standoff between the Kremlin and the west.
New screen grading technology makes exchanging screens as easy as touching a button
augustus 06, 2014

New screen grading technology makes exchanging screens as easy as touching a button

Tong Peal has taken screen grading technology to the next level with the launch of a new option on all models of its market leading EasyGrade screen grading modules, designed to increase efficiency and minimise downtime for farms and pack houses.
Westmaas 2014: Meeting place for the potato sector
augustus 03, 2014

Westmaas 2014: Meeting place for the potato sector

The Potato Demo Day is an easily accessible event for the Potato Sector. The programme is implemented at limited costs and in cooperation with participating companies from the sector.
Holme Farm Produce
juli 31, 2014

Rescue deal saves potato supplier Holme Farm Produce

Administrators at O'Hara & Co have managed to tie up a pre-pack deal for Holme Farm Produce safeguarding jobs and the future of the business.
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New international collaboration helps protect potatoes against nematodes
juli 30, 2014

New international collaboration helps protect potatoes against nematodes

Experts from the UK and India are working together to identify and develop novel environmentally-sustainable strategies to control plant pests, known as plant-parasitic nematodes to ensure global food production and security.
NEIKER investiga los genes de patata que mejor se adaptan al cambio climático
juli 28, 2014

Neiker investiga los genes de patata que mejor se adaptan al cambio climático

El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, NEIKER-Tecnalia, entidad pública dependiente de la Viceconsejeria de Agricultura, Pesca y Política Alimentaria del Gobierno Vasco, está investigando actualmente los genes de patata que mejor se adaptan a las condiciones previstas de cambio climático, caracterizadas por una disminución de la lluvia y temperaturas más extremas de calor y frío.
Consulta electrónica ‘La intensificación sostenible de la agricultura en América Latina y el Caribe’
juli 25, 2014

Consulta electrónica ‘La intensificación sostenible de la agricultura en América Latina y el Caribe’

Es una deliberación que busca consolidar una red regional para intercambiar experiencias y generar acciones conjuntas que aumenten las sinergias en la investigación agrícola, las políticas, las inversiones y las instituciones en América Latina y el Caribe.
Global Climate change indicators (NOAA)
juli 24, 2014

Neiker-Tecnalia is researching the potato genes that best adapt to climate change

The Basque Research institute Neiker-Tecnalia is currently looking for potato genes that best adapt to the anticipated climate change conditions, characterised by a reduction in rainfall and increased extremes of hot and cold temperatures.
Jean Urquhart with Robert Burnsl
juli 24, 2014

Supporting the Scottish Potato Industry

Potato Council has been working hard to raise the profile of potatoes amongst Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs), promoting their health and sustainability credentials and creating awareness of the significant contribution they make to the Scottish economy.
Scottish Schools Rooting for Home Grown Foods
juli 18, 2014

Scottish Schools Rooting for Home Grown Foods

Greenvale, the UK’s leading potato supplier, has been helping schools around Perth and Kinross to dig deep in a bid to educate them about the origins of the food they eat.


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