
Dewulf~Miedema will continue under the name Dewulf
oktober 30, 2017

Dewulf~Miedema will continue using the company name Dewulf

Dewulf~Miedema - supplier of a complete line of agricultural machinery for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops - has selected Dewulf as its new official company name.
Levity CropScience plans to present at BP 2017 how their products increased potato yield
oktober 29, 2017

Levity CropScience plans to present at BP2017 how their products increased potato yield

Levity CropScience, a UK based company specialized in 'smart fertilizers' has announced it will reveal industry changing research at BP2017 on how their products have increased potato yields by at least €1000 per hectare in farms across Europe.
Francia: Florimond Desprez se afianza en el sector de papa de siembra con la compra de SPB
oktober 28, 2017

Francia: Florimond Desprez se afianza en el sector de papa de siembra con la compra de SPB

El pasado 23 de octubre de 2017, la compañía francesa firmó la adquisición del 100% de la Sociedad de Productores Bretones (SPB) y de sus filiales: Gopex Distribution y Bret Seeds.
Reino Unido desarrolla papa genéticamente modificada resistente al tizón tardío
oktober 26, 2017

Reino Unido desarrolla papa genéticamente modificada resistente al tizón tardío

Científicos financiados por el fondo público del BBSRC y radicados en el Norwich Research Park, han desarrollado una papa genéticamente modificada con resistencia al tizón tardío.
First field trial with GM Maris Piper resistant to late blight went brilliantly
oktober 26, 2017

First field trial with GM Maris Piper resistant to late blight went brilliantly

A genetically-modified (GM) Maris Piper designed to resist the devastating plant disease late blight has worked “brilliantly” during the first year of field trials, according to scientists of The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL)
Potato tuber with extensive blight infection
oktober 26, 2017

United Kingdom Potato Harvest 2017 without drama - but now the storage...

The potato harvest in the United Kingdom was mostly without drama. Hopefully this doesn't change during the storage season. But watch the changes in the CIPC regulation.
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La papa es el tercer cultivo en importancia en Tenerife (España)
oktober 23, 2017

La papa es el tercer cultivo en importancia en Tenerife (España)

El cultivo de la papa recupera poco a poco el protagonismo perdido en las últimas décadas. Hoy se sitúa como tercero en importancia en la isla de Tenerife, por detrás de la viña y del plátano. Así lo han expresado los organizadores de "Papeando por Tenerife - La riqueza de la papa"., una iniciativa gastronómica organizada por la Asociación de Servicios Integrales Empresarial de Canarias (ASIEC) y la Federación Empresarial Canaria de Ocio y Restaurantes (Fecao).
Potato Business post-Brexit a key focus during the BP2017 Seminars
oktober 22, 2017

Potato Business post-Brexit a key focus during the BP2017 Seminars

One of the key features of the biennial British Potato event is the seminar programme and the approaching Brexit is of course a topic that must be front and center at an event in the United Kingdom.
España: Usando radiación infraroja identifican las papas más cardiosaludables
oktober 13, 2017

España: Usando radiación infraroja identifican las papas más cardiosaludables

Empleando la técnica de espectroscopia en el infrarrojo cercano, una investigadora de la Universidad de Navarra es capaz de identificar las variedades de papa con mayor contenido de compuestos fenólicos. Estas sustancias son beneficiosas para la salud por su contribución a la reducción de enfermedades cardiovasculares.
Nederland is heel goed in friet
oktober 09, 2017

Nederland is heel goed in friet

Op Zaterdag 7 oktober was in het Groningse Hornhuizen het Aardappelfeest, georganiseerd door vrijwilligers. Met eten, cultuur en sprekers, onder wie Jan van Hoogen.
Czech Potato Research Institute announces a new blue-purple potato variety 'Val-Blue'
oktober 05, 2017

Czech Potato Research Institute breeds a new blue-purple potato variety 'Val-Blue'

The Czech Potato Research Institute in Havlíčkův Brod has announced that it has bred a new potato variety they named “Val Blue”. And yes! It has a striking blue-purple colour.
Back to Basics with the latest AVR Spirit 5200 potato harvester
oktober 03, 2017

AVR Spirit 5200 potato harvester debut at Agritechnica

During the Agritechnica trade show, potato machine manufacturer AVR will launch its latest 2-row potato harvester: the AVR Spirit 5200.
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Bavarian potato harvest at its peak
oktober 02, 2017

Bavarian potato harvest at its peak

Bavarian potato harvest at its peak, consumers can expect good quality
Mounting frustration over potato harvest in Scotland
oktober 02, 2017

Mounting frustration over potato harvest in Scotland

Seed potato growers and traders are facing mounting frustration as wet weather continues to interrupt the harvest across Scotland.
Hungarian Potato Growers Squeezed: Low Prices AND Low Yields
september 30, 2017

Hungarian Potato Growers Squeezed: Low Prices AND Low Yields

Potato growers in Hungary are in a tough position as potato prices are low. On top of that, yield has been negatively affected by heat and quality is far from optimal.
Dutch Potato Industry establishes Holland Innovative Potato (HIP) for major investment in research
september 26, 2017

Dutch Potato Industry establishes Holland Innovative Potato (HIP) for major investment in research

Ten Dutch potato (processing) companies and two associations have established Holland Innovative Potato (HIP) to facilitate and coordinate joint pre-competitive research activities. A budget of € 4.5 million is available for the first research program of HIP.
Potato Production North-western-Europe up 13.5 percent compared to last year
september 18, 2017

Potato Production North-western Europe up 13.5 percent compared to last year

For the current European potato harvest, the North-western-European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimate the total potato production at 27.9 million tons for the five NEPG countries (Belgium, Germany, France, The Netherlands and Great Britain). This is up 13.5 percent compared to last season.
Dutch Potato Industry introduces national potato quotation: potatoNL. National potato Price
september 17, 2017

Dutch Potato Industry introduces a national potato quotation: potatoNL

The Dutch Potato Industry is introducing PotatoNL, a national potato quotation. The first PotatoNL national potato quotation will start on 14 November 2017


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