
Albert Schirring, Strategy Lead Vegetables & Potato, Bayer AG
maart 24, 2021

World Potato Congress Webinar: 'Late Blight: 175 years of experience. What have we learned? An update.' by Albert Schirring

The World Potato Congress is very pleased to present its next webinar on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 with Albert Schirring, Strategy Lead Vegetables & Potato, Bayer AG.
Green Headlands around potato fields boost soil health and fertility
maart 23, 2021

Green Headlands around potato fields boost soil health and fertility

Planting a Green Headland on uncropped areas around potato and field vegetable crops can capture nutrients worth £200/ha over the growing season.
Fiebre por sembrar patatas en Salamanca
maart 22, 2021

Fiebre por sembrar patatas en Salamanca

Los hermanos Mateos -Iván y Óscar- son dos de los muchos agricultores salmantinos que aprovechan ahora para sembrar patatas.
Lidl Ireland and Meade Farm introduce limited edition Irish Gold Potatoes
maart 22, 2021

Lidl Ireland and Meade Farm introduce limited edition Irish Gold Potatoes

Lidl Ireland and its supplier, Meade Farm, have introduced an exclusive limited edition range of Irish Gold Potatoes
AHDB January trade round-up: Potatoes
maart 20, 2021

AHDB: UK Processed Potato Exports in January at a historic low

As the first month of import and export data of potatoes and potato products after Brexit is in, the AHDB takes a closer look at the data and what they could mean. Across all potato product categories recorded, UK imports and exports have fallen from December with figures at the lowest reported this marketing season.
Potato sales going well, but purchasers reluctant due to ban on sprout inhibitors
maart 20, 2021

Potato sales going well, but purchasers reluctant due to ban on sprout inhibitors

The sale of potatoes is not entirely disappointing at the moment, observes Felix Molenaar of potato and vegetable wholesaler Molenaar from Haarlem.
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Nicola from Morocco kicks off Dutch import potato season
maart 18, 2021

Nicola from Morocco kicks off Dutch import potato season

VerDi Import in the Netherlands has received their first Nicola potatoes. These arrived from Morocco at the beginning of the month.
Mallorca starts potato export to the United Kingdom: The Lady Christl variety is the first of the early potatoes
maart 16, 2021

Mallorca starts potato export to the United Kingdom: Lady Christl variety is the first of the early potatoes

The export of potatoes from Mallorca to the United Kingdom and Scandinavia of Lady Christl new potatoes started on Sunday. The centre of this export in Mallorca is the municipality Sa Pobla, where exporters still have some concerns because of Brexit.
Consejos para plantar las cosechas de primavera
maart 16, 2021

Consejos para plantar las cosechas de primavera

Explican en SatAgro que un tercio de los agricultores españoles aprovecha los meses previos a la primavera para realizar la siembre. Maíz o patata son los cultivos preferentes del mes de febrero, aunque también las gramíneas como el trigo, la avena, la cebada o el centeno.
Esto es lo que esconden las patatas que tienen manchitas verdes en la piel
maart 16, 2021

Esto es lo que esconden las patatas que tienen manchitas verdes en la piel

La patata es un alimento delicado, que, pese a sus bondades, puede tornarse tóxico si no tenemos algunas precauciones. El motivo no es otro que los glicoalcaloides, unas sustancias que contiene este tubérculo de forma natural y que si se ingieren, pueden provocar distintos problemas para la salud.
Scottish Government working group presents plan to combat Potato Cyst Nematodes
maart 12, 2021

Scottish Government working group presents plan to combat Potato Cyst Nematodes

New research to tackle the growing scourge of Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) has been identified by a specialist Scottish Government working group.
Good demand for first Jersey Royals
maart 11, 2021

Good demand for first Jersey Royals

The harvest of the famous Jersey Royal potato has started on the island, the initial volumes are small and are sold via wholesale markets in London and Southampton, before moving across the rest of the United Kingdom.
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España: Princesa Amandine prevé duplicar este año su producción de patatas
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España: Princesa Amandine prevé duplicar este año su producción de patatas

El crecimiento en la demanda de patatas para esta campaña y más concretamente de la variedad de Princesa Amandine augura un incremento importante de la comercialización prevista para 2021.
maart 08, 2021

EU brengt duidelijkheid in toepassing MRL voor kiemremmer CIPC in aardappel

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Ukrainian State-Funded Program on Development of Potato Sector
maart 03, 2021

Construction of 35 new potato storages in the Ukraine thanks to government support

The Institute of Agrarian Economics jointly with the Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers have developed a state-funded program for the development of industrial potato growing for 2021-2025.
Tolsma-Grisnich supplies potato receiving, handling and storage equipment in Russia
maart 02, 2021

Tolsma-Grisnich supplies potato receiving, handling and storage equipment in Russia

Together with a leading processor a greenfield project was developed in Russia, where Tolsma-Grisnich will supply potato receiving, handling and storage equipment.
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Europatat Congress 2021 Virtual Edition
maart 02, 2021

Europatat Congress 2021 Virtual Edition

Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, is excited to announce that the 2021 edition of its annual Congress will be held on Thursday, 10th of June in a virtual format.


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