
New Omnia Carbon Cost of Production tool launched
januari 07, 2022

Omnia introduces tool to estimate carbon footprint of agricultural production

It’s clearly understood that improved farm productivity is good for business and more recently, for carbon footprint. But the challenge has always been how to measure the cost of producing a particular crop with regards to carbon.
Intersur adquiere una nueva sede en Castilla y León.
januari 05, 2022

Intersur adquiere una nueva sede en Castilla y León

Intersur ha adquirido para su nueva sede en Castilla y León, las instalaciones en Tordesillas (Valladolid) de la extinta Agroinnova S.L. – Las Patatas del Abuelo. Esta importante inversión permitirá a la empresa desarrollar un importante plan de cultivo para Castilla y León.
Liam Glennon, Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee, Irish Potato Federation.
januari 04, 2022

World Potato Congress Webinar - 'Introducing the World Potato Congress in Ireland' presented by Liam Glennon

In preparation for the World Potato Congress being held from May 30 to June 2, 2022 in Dublin, Ireland, Liam Glennon, Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee, Irish Potato Federation.
Europlant presents 'low input' potato varieties
december 29, 2021

Europlant presents 'low input' potato varieties

Europlant presents potato varieties with high nutrient efficiency. The high-yielding and high-quality special varieties for low input production protect the environment and save costs.
CO2 extractor creates a buzz at potato event
december 22, 2021

Restrain Carbon dioxide extractor for storages creates a buzz at potato event

With an innovation award under its belt and a new technical expert on the payroll, sprout inhibition developer Restrain was a popular participant at the 2021 British Potato Industry Event in Harrogate.
Freya von Czettritz: Agritechnica 2022 will not take place.
december 21, 2021

Agritechnica 2022 will not take place

Unfortunately, due to the deteriorating pandemic situation in recent weeks and the resulting current official regulations, a situation has arisen which makes the trouble-free execution of AGRITECHNICA no longer possible.
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Practical guide to monitoring soil carbon launched.
december 21, 2021

Practical guide to monitoring soil carbon

A new practical guide to assessing soil carbon promises to answer British farmers’ key questions at a time when many are looking to understand their soil health. It was produced by Duchy College, Plymouth University, Rothamsted Research, and the Farm Carbon Toolkit.
Almost one year after Brexit: still no agreement on trade in seed potatoes.
december 17, 2021

Almost one year after Brexit: still no agreement on trade in seed potatoes

On 9 December, the European Parliament will hold a public hearing on 'the impact of Brexit on European agricultural markets'. Europatat would like to use this opportunity to highlight the impact of no agreement on their sector.
Asaja Canarias ASAGA, advierte del desabastecimiento de papa de semilla y aboga por planificar la siembra para evitar una caída de los precios en 2022
december 15, 2021

Asaja Canarias ASAGA, advierte del desabastecimiento de papa de semilla y aboga por planificar la siembra para evitar una caída de los precios en 2022

Asaja Canarias ASAGA, advierte del desabastecimiento de papa de semilla y aboga por planificar la siembra para evitar una caída de los precios en 2022
december 08, 2021

Average to good potato harvest in North-western Europe, but increased production costs

The NEPG has ended the 2021 campaign with a production of 22.7 million tons, which represents a decrease of 3.4% in relation to the previous one, although it remains 2.7% above the average of the last five years.
En 1775 nadie en Europa comía patatas. Hasta que un truco publicitario las puso de moda
december 08, 2021

En 1775 nadie en Europa comía patatas. Hasta que un truco publicitario las puso de moda

Ha ocurrido en varias ocasiones a lo largo de la historia de los alimentos que productos de la tierra con mala fama, sin tradición culinaria, que se consumen primero por los pobres debido a las hambrunas extremas para luego subir a la categoría de producto gourmet.
december 08, 2021

Arvalis and Eurocelp develop a camera system to quantify the sprouting of potatoes

Eurocelp, in collaboration with Arvalis, develop a camera system to quantify the sprouting of potatoes
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december 05, 2021

Interpom 2021 eindigde positief ondanks ongebruikelijke omstandigheden

De 20ste editie van INTERPOM, de vakbeurs voor de volledige aardappelketen, heeft met een jaar vertraging plaatsgevonden op 28, 29 en 30 november 2021 in Kortrijk Xpo.
November marked a further increase in the value of the FAO Food Price Index.
december 02, 2021

November marked a further increase in the value of the FAO Food Price Index

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 134.4 points in November 2021, up 1.6 points (1.2 percent) from October and 28.8 points (27.3 percent) from November 2020.
The Crop Trust and CIP Announce New Disease-Proof Potato.
december 01, 2021

The Crop Trust and CIP Announce New Disease-Proof Potato

The Crop Trust and the International Potato Center (CIP) are announcing the release of a new disease-resistant potato called CIP-Matilde.
Dewulf Enduro to be shown in person for first time during Interpom 2021
november 23, 2021

Dewulf shows its new 4-row self-propelled potato harvester Enduro for first time at Interpom 2021

Dewulf, full-liner in agricultural machines for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops, will present its new 4-row self-propelled potato harvester Enduro at Interpom 2021.
november 18, 2021

Interpom 2021 wordt gehouden in een veilige omgeving en in zijn gebruikelijke vorm met het Covid Safe Ticket

De Belgische regering heeft nieuwe Covid-19 maatregelen aangekondigd. Gelukkig hebben deze geen invloed op beurzen. Interpom 2021 wordt dus in zijn gebruikelijke vorm gehouden op 28, 29 & 30 november 2021 in Kortrijk Xpo met dubbele bescherming: gezichtsmaskers naast het Covid Safe Ticket-systeem.
Farm Carbon Toolkit is delighted to announce a new collaboration with Mercian Ltd, the UK’s largest supplier of crisping potatoes.
november 16, 2021

Farm Carbon Toolkit teams up with UK’s largest crisping potato supplier

Farm Carbon Toolkit is delighted to announce a new collaboration with Mercian Ltd, the UK’s largest supplier of crisping potatoes.


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