
november 18, 2009

Aardappeldemodag: Europese aardappelsector in zwaar weer

De Europese aardappelsector heeft het moeilijk. Dat komt deels door de economische crisis, maar ook door een onbalans tussen vraag en aanbod.Pas als de economische crisis achter de rug is kan een betere situatie ontstaan. Dat zei Kees van Arendonk vand...
 Stootblauw in oogst 2009 (Source: PCA)
oktober 28, 2009

Quality 2009 potato crop major headache for European potato processors

Harvesting throughout Northwest Europe is virtually finished and markets are entering a new phase of the season. Quality concern and wastage, resulting from high dry matter levels and difficult harvest conditions, are now becoming the main influence ...
oktober 23, 2009

Not enough potatoes in West Bengal

The state has less than a month’s stock of potatoes and the new crop is not expected till the last week of December. This emerged on Thursday at meetings held by the two cold storage associations in the state. “Around 660,000 tonnes of potatoes are le...
Restrain Ethylene generator wins Potato Europe 2009 innovation award.
september 08, 2009

Restrain Ethylene generator wins Potato Europe 2009 innovation award

The PotatoEurope 2009 Innovation Award was handed out this evening to the company Restrain Company Ltd for its Restrain Generator.
augustus 31, 2009

West Bengal state government still working to control the price of potatoes

The West Bengal state government has decided to take stern action against hoarders of potato, now that its price has crossed Rs 22 in many markets. The price rise is unjustified as there is a stock of 15 lakh metric tonnes of potato in the state. Thoug...
Late Blight
augustus 26, 2009

MSU Plant Pathologist Willie Kirk: monitor potatoes in storage for late blight

The impact of late blight to potato growers in Michigan is clear and we estimate that many growers with crops going in to long-term storage will spend up to $350/A in crop protection products alone (not including application costs). Even such intense c...
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augustus 20, 2009

Emergency Pesticide Registration for Potatoes Enacted in Wisconsin

Wisconsin potato producers are preparing their warehouses for the upcoming harvest season and have an immediate need to disinfect both porous and non-porous surfaces to prevent contamination of potatoes with the organism that causes potato ring rot. To...
 potato trader in Kenya (source: Daily Nation)
augustus 03, 2009

New Plan to revive potato farming in Kenya

The Ministry of Agriculture has embarked on the revival of potato growing to boost the country’s food security. Among the key priorities are the rehabilitation of cold stores, construction and equipping tissue culture laboratories and green houses. ...
juli 13, 2009

Rising potato price eats into profit margins of Indian Potato chips manufacturers

A sudden shortage of potatoes accompanied by sharply higher prices is eroding profit margins for large potato wafer brands and could force several smaller ones to temporarily exit the snack foods market. Prices of chipping potatoes used to make wafers ...
juni 22, 2009

Frito-Lay India builds warehouse for potato storage in West Bengal

Frito-lay India has decided to set up a state-of-the-art warehouse for storage of potato.“Sourcing chip-grade potatoes remains a challenge. We are establishing a state-of-the-art warehouse, a first in India, near our manufacturing facility in West Beng...
 Afghanistan potato farmer (Source: IRIN News)
juni 17, 2009

Uphill struggle for potato farmers in Afghanistan's Bamyan Province

Farmers in Afghanistan’s top potato-producing province are complaining about declining profits, mainly because of cold weather, lack of storage facilities and bad roads. Potato cultivation in Bamyan Province, central Afghanistan, employs thousands of p...
 USDA NASS potato stocks report
juni 12, 2009

US Potato Stocks and Processing as of June 1

The 13 major potato States held 44.8 million cwt of potatoes in storage June 1, 2009, down 11 percent from a year ago but 1 percent above June 1, 2007. Potatoes in storage accounted for 12 percent of the 2008 fall storage States' production, slightly b...
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 NASS potato stocks
mei 15, 2009

US Potato Stocks down 10% from May 2008

The 13 major US potato States held 115 million cwt of potatoes in storage April 1, 2009, down 9 percent from a year ago and 5 percent below April 1, 2007. Potatoes in storage accounted for 31 percent of the 2008 fall storage States' production, slight...
 Prince Edward Island Potato Board
mei 11, 2009

Canadian Agriculture minister disputes PEI potato board's numbers

Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz is taking issue with the P.E.I. Potato Board's interpretation of how much money has been paid out for crops ruined by rain last summer. In October, a $12.4- million compensation plan was announced, cost-shared b...
 Prince Edward Island Potato Board
mei 08, 2009

Prince Edward Island Potato Board today welcomed federal assistance for potato storage losses

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board today welcomed the confirmation of assistance for storage losses that occurred as a result of the extreme wet weather in the fall of 2008.  The Board learned of the assistance via a federal government news release...
The University of Idaho wants you to have richly colored potatoes, even after storage
mei 05, 2009

The University of Idaho wants you to have richly colored potatoes, even after storage

Harvest a red, yellow or purple specialty potato and its skin color will be shiny and bright. That’s paramount, because skin quality drives buyers to put a particular potato in their shopping cart. Store that potato for a month or two, and its skin co...
How to store potatoes at home
april 24, 2009

How to store potatoes at home

Potatoes live. Potatoes breathe. And because Potatoes are 80 percent water, these tubers thrive in humid locations. Take heed, consumers wondering about the best spots in your homes to store your potatoes.
april 16, 2009

FMC allays fears on rising potato prices

Commodity futures market regulator Forward Markets Commission (FMC) is confident that the skew between spot and futures prices in potato will cease once the diversion from physical markets to cold storage reverses. The regulator had recently asked MCX ...


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