
december 14, 2010

Ook kieming en frietkleur aardappelen dit aardappelseizoen extra in de gaten houden

FIWAP adviseert om naast de eventuele problemen van bewaring ingevolge rot en hoge vochtigheidsgraad, ook de kieming en de frietkleur van de aardappelen extra goed in de gaten te houden.
december 06, 2010

La principal proveedora de papa semilla de McDonald's en el Mercosur, construirá una planta para almacenar 360.000 bolsas

La empresa Cordens S.A, la primera en radicarse en la ampliación del Parque Industrial, es la principal proveedora de papa semilla de la firma que abastece a McDonald's en el Mercosur. En breve comenzará la construcción de la planta para procesar la pr...
 NEPG (North-western European Potato Growers)
november 26, 2010

NEPG (North-western European Potato Growers) verwacht 4,4% lagere aardappelproductie in 2010

 Wateroverlast: Belgische velden onder water
november 15, 2010

Wateroverlast Belgie vernielt de nog niet geoogste aardappelen

Door het slechte najaar werd de oogst van heel wat teelten vertraagd, waardoor meer percelen dan normaal, nog niet geoogst zijn.
november 08, 2010

Potato prices crash as West Bengal offloads stock in market

Potato prices crashed by about Rs 100/quintal following release of stocks held by the West Bengal Government in the market.
oktober 30, 2010

Volatile supply from India may hit Bangladesh potato price

A 'volatile' supply from India and a bad crop this year may lead to an increase in potato prices in Bangladesh ahead of the season approaching Bakr Eid, a media report said.
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 Interpom | Primeurs 2010
oktober 27, 2010

INTERPOM | PRIMEURS 2010 will beat all records with 220 exhibitors on 26 500m²

INTERPOM | PRIMEURS, the international trade fair for the potato, fruit and vegetable sector, will be held in Kortrijk Xpo, Belgium, on 28, 29 and 30 November 2010.
 Potato Council
oktober 21, 2010

Euro-Potato: Status of the main potato harvest across Northern Europe

The pattern for the 2010/2011 potato season in Northern Europe is now emerging. Harvest has been progressing steadily, following a slow start at the beginning of the month due to rain.
 Potato Council
oktober 20, 2010

Market report UK: Lifting progress puts pressure on potato prices

In the United Kingdom, potato values fell in the week to 15 October as better weather boosted availability and lower value supplies dominated sales.
 New Brunswick
oktober 18, 2010

New Brunswick potato crop of good quality

oktober 16, 2010

Wet weather causing potato store problems in the UK

Rain has hampered harvesting progress for potato growers in many regions in the United Kingdom
oktober 13, 2010

Aardappeloogst Nederland 75% compleet

Door het aanhoudend mooie weer zal naar schatting aan het eind van de week (41) 75% van de consumptieaardappelen in Nederland zijn gerooid.
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oktober 11, 2010

West Bengal: Potato Politics

The West Bengal government’s handling of a bumper potato crop this year is becoming a political hot potato.
september 30, 2010

Flood could cost Wisconsin potato farmers over 65 million - if you include storage losses

Officials began totaling the millions of dollars in crop damage and loss to central Wisconsin farmers from last week's flooding. In Portage County, where more than half of Wisconsin's potato acreage is planted, losses to potato farmers could rise as hi...
 University of Maine Cooperative Extension
september 29, 2010

Potato Storage: Proper storage techniques can reduce disease pressure

Storage conditions can be ripe for diseases to develop and devastate potato crops, leading many universities to seek ways to control or prevent diseases before they become a problem. At the University of Maine (UM) a fungicide testing program looks at...
september 21, 2010

Interpom | Primeurs 2010 features over 200 exhibitors

INTERPOM | PRIMEURS, the international trade fair for the potato, fruit and vegetable sector, will be held in Kortrijk Xpo, Belgium, on 28, 29 and 30 November 2010. The event is famous as the most complete information and contact platform for the whol...
september 19, 2010

Potato growers in Bangladesh face uncertainty despite bumper crop

Hundreds of thousands of potato growers in Bangladesh face uncertainty despite bumper production of this major cash crop in the current year
september 19, 2010

One million tonnes potato in storage in Bangladesh may remain unsold

Potato growers and traders in Bangladesh are apprehending that about one million (ten lakh) tonnes of stored potatoes may remain unsold this year in the country due to over production and less consumption ratio, reports BSS.


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