
Francia: 'Esperamos unos meses complicados en el mercado de la patata.'
augustus 31, 2020

Francia: 'Esperamos unos meses complicados en el mercado de la patata.'

'El mercado de la patata está bastante pesado en este momento, con más oferta que demanda, debido a la precocidad de las recogidas en Beauce y a que el consumo en los hogares sigue siendo limitado.'
Interpom 2021
augustus 27, 2020

Belgian Potato Industry Trade show Interpom postponed till 2021

The Potato Industry Trade Show Interpom that was scheduled later this year in Kortrijk Xpo (Belgium) is postponed until November 2021
augustus 19, 2020

PotatoEurope zal worden gehouden op 1 en 2 september 2021 op de locatie van Wageningen University & Research in Lelystad

Wageningen University & Research en DLG Benelux hebben een contract getekend voor het houden van PotatoEurope 2021 op de locatie van Wageningen Plant Research in Lelystad.
Vista aérea de la ampliación que la empresa está llevando a cabo en sus instalaciones de Medina del Campo. D.V.
augustus 10, 2020

Patatas Meléndez se Alza Como el Primer Operador Nacional de Patata y Despliega 25 Millones de Euros

La empresa vallisoletana Patatas Meléndez, afincada en Medina del Campo, se ha convertido en el primer operador del mercado nacional de este producto de consumo tradicional y está, además, inmersa en la ampliación de sus instalaciones gracias a una inversión de 25 millones de euros que le permitirá duplicar su capacidad de envasado.
It’s going to be a potato harvest with plenty of clods…
juli 28, 2020

It’s going to be a potato harvest with plenty of clods…

Throughout last spring we were dealing with historically poor soil structure in Western Europe, with clods as hard as concrete. Will harvests of potato and onion reflect this? The chances of that seem high, so what can you do to keep clods out of your storage?
NEPG: Slight rise in European potato acreage, uncertain outlook for markets
juli 15, 2020

NEPG: Slight rise in European potato acreage, uncertain outlook for markets

The North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimates that the area for consumption potatoes in North-Western Europe increased with 0,5% compared with last year and is estimated at 621,148 hectares.
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Restrain sprout suppressor approved in Germany
juli 09, 2020

Restrain sprout suppressor approved in Germany

The German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) has approved the ethylene-based sprout suppressor Restrain as a safe crop protection product with immediate effect. The approval applies to the treatment of potatoes (for both domestic consumption and starch production), onions, garlic, shallots, propagating material, and tomatoes.
mei 28, 2020

INTERPOM 2020 op Aangepaste Openingsdagen

Beursthema: 'Let's connect the potato chain in the post-coronavirus world'. 2020 wordt in de geschiedenisboeken ingeschreven als 'het corona-jaar'.
En Castilla y León se espera que la superficie de patata ocupe este año cerca de 18.000 hectáreas.
mei 25, 2020

Castilla y León: El sector de la patata asume el reto de una campaña llena de incógnitas.

Los posibles efectos del coronavirus en el mercado durante el segundo semestre del año y la prohibición de uso del CIPC en la fase de conservación, marcan una nueva campaña de patata repleta de interrogantes que pueden poner en riesgo la rentabilidad de un cultivo que requiere de elevadas inversiones por parte de agricultores, almacenistas y cooperativas.
The Future of UK Potato Storage Research
mei 01, 2020

The Future of UK Potato Storage Research

AHDB’s announcement that it is consulting on the future of the Sutton Bridge Crop Research Station, and on potato storage research more broadly, should worry every potato grower in this country.
Cella reivindica las virtudes de su patata
maart 20, 2020

Cella reivindica las virtudes de su patata

Aunque hay menos producción en los últimos años, la apuesta por la calidad de un producto adorado en toda la provincia de Teruel sigue intacta.
februari 24, 2020

NEPG: 'Potato season 2020/21 will be challenging'

Over the last years, the area for consumption potatoes has been increased with 6,5 % in the 5 leading potato countries. If there is an increase again this year, combined with an average yield the balance between demand and supply could lead to...
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Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren
februari 11, 2020

Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren

Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren. Een aardappelteler die tot week 30 bewaart en alle premies kan verzilveren, ontvangt € 220,- per ton.
AHDB warns UK potato growers not to use CIPC at 2020 store loading
februari 09, 2020

AHDB warns UK potato growers not to use CIPC at 2020 store loading

AHDB Potatoes warns potato growers in the United Kingdom not to use the sprout inhibitor CIPC on their 2020 potatoes, as it makes it impossible to sell them. In fact ALL European farmers should follow this advice!
Belpotato.be: Interbranch organization takes off in Belgium
januari 23, 2020

Belpotato.be to become the single voice of the entire potato industry in Belgium

On January 20, the foundation deed of Belpotato.be was officially signed in Huldenberg. The composition of the Executive Board ensures that there are balances between growers, traders and processors, and between Dutch and French speakers.
Belgapom: Maximum effort required to remove CIPC from potato storage sheds
januari 13, 2020

Belgapom: Maximum effort required to remove CIPC from potato storage sheds

Entering a new era in potato storage: Belgapom has formulated its position on how to handle chlorpropham as of the 2020 harvest.
SoilEssentials now reseller 7Sense wireless irrigation sensor and their temperature & humidity sensor system
november 21, 2019

SoilEssentials now reseller of the wireless irrigation sensor and the T & RH monitoring system of 7Sense

The Scottish precision farming pioneers SoilEssentials announces collaboration with Norwegian company 7Sense, to be the UK’s reseller of their smart, wireless temperature & humidity sensor monitoring system and their reliable, waterproof irrigation sensor
november 20, 2019

Haith Group Store Loader PRO to be launched at LAMMA 2020

Haith Group will be unveiling its new Store Loader PRO at LAMMA 2020. The specialist vegetable handling and processing machinery manufacturer has incorporated several innovations into its latest store loading machine.


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