
Milestone Digital Transformation Agrico: New Website Live
september 28, 2020

Milestone Digital Transformation Agrico: New Website Live

For potato cooperative Agrico 2020/2021 is the season of its digital transformation. The first major milestone in this process is the new www.agrico.nl website that was launched last week.
Meijer Potato celebrates its 100th anniversary
september 23, 2020

Meijer Potato celebrates its 100th anniversary

This year Meijer Potato celebrates its 100-year anniversary with staff, customers and seed potato growers.
Sercom launches Wireless System to control Potato Storage
september 21, 2020

Sercom launches Wireless System to control Potato Storage

Early last year, Sercom developed a wireless system, based on radiographic technology, to connect field stations in the horticulture and e.g. potato storage cells up to a distance of 5 kilometres (3 miles) apart.
augustus 20, 2020

C. Meijer BV rebranded Meijer Potato

Op 17 augustus 2020 gepresenteerd aardappelveredelaar Meijer Potato haar nieuwe corporate identity en bedrijfsverhaal. De nieuwe corporate identity van Meijer Potato zal zichtbaar worden op alle communicatiemiddelen en locaties.
augustus 19, 2020

PotatoEurope zal worden gehouden op 1 en 2 september 2021 op de locatie van Wageningen University & Research in Lelystad

Wageningen University & Research en DLG Benelux hebben een contract getekend voor het houden van PotatoEurope 2021 op de locatie van Wageningen Plant Research in Lelystad.
In een paar uur is een live versie van deze plattegrond beschikbaar
augustus 19, 2020

Het volledig programma van Aardappeldemodag Online

Het is bijna zover! Om 10.00 uur gaat de online aardappeldemodag open. Een kwartier tevoren ontvangt u per email de link die toegang geeft. Nog niet opgegeven? Het kan nog!
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augustus 18, 2020

Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe has started campaign 2020

Vandaag start de aardappelcampagne van Avebe in Nederland. Na een wisselvallig teeltseizoen worden de eerste aardappelen aangeleverd op de locatie in Gasselternijveen.
Jonge Boeren Programma krijgt virtueel vervolg tijdens Aardappeldemodag Online
augustus 16, 2020

Jonge Boeren Programma krijgt virtueel vervolg tijdens Aardappeldemodag Online

De eerste editie van het Jonge Boeren Programma tijdens Aardappeldemodag 2018 was een groot succes. Twee jaar na deze speciaal voor jonge boeren georganiseerde bijeenkomst komt er nu een virtueel vervolg.
It’s going to be a potato harvest with plenty of clods…
juli 28, 2020

It’s going to be a potato harvest with plenty of clods…

Throughout last spring we were dealing with historically poor soil structure in Western Europe, with clods as hard as concrete. Will harvests of potato and onion reflect this? The chances of that seem high, so what can you do to keep clods out of your storage?
juli 15, 2020

Avebe maakt campagneprijs bekend

Avebe heeft de definitieve campagneprijs van 76,50 euro per ton aardappelen bekend gemaakt aan haar leden.
NEPG: Slight rise in European potato acreage, uncertain outlook for markets
juli 15, 2020

NEPG: Slight rise in European potato acreage, uncertain outlook for markets

The North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimates that the area for consumption potatoes in North-Western Europe increased with 0,5% compared with last year and is estimated at 621,148 hectares.
From 'ridge' to 'bed' – the next step in HZPC potato innovation
juni 25, 2020

From 'ridge' to 'bed' – the next step in HZPC potato innovation

Increasing food security in areas that are hard to access. This is one of the ideas behind an important potato innovation by HZPC: hybrid potato breeding.
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Unique robot helps HZPC in the fight against diseases
mei 26, 2020

Unique robot helps HZPC in the fight against diseases

HZPC is employing the services of a specialized robot in its fight against potato diseases and viruses within its breeding program.
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties
mei 14, 2020

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is to study wild potato varieties for resistance to a wide range of potato-diseases and plagues. This broad approach should yield breeding material that can be used to develop disease-free potato varieties.
Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren
februari 11, 2020

Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren

Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren. Een aardappelteler die tot week 30 bewaart en alle premies kan verzilveren, ontvangt € 220,- per ton.
Wolrld Potato Congress Webinar: What's all this talk about Hybrid breeding and Hybrid True Potato Seeds (HTPS) revolutionizing the potato industry?
januari 31, 2020

World Potato Congress Webinar: What's all this talk about Hybrid breeding and Hybrid True Potato Seeds (HTPS) revolutionizing the potato industry?

The World Potato Congress (WPC) is extremely pleased to be offering this second webinar in its 2020 series featuring Mr. Hein Kruyt, CEO of Solynta.
Agrico presents annual figures 2018/2019 paying its farmers the highest price for potatoes ever
januari 16, 2020

Agrico presents annual figures 2018/2019 paying its farmers the highest price for potatoes ever

Last December, Agrico held its annual central members' meeting. The annual figures 2018/2019 were discussed in this well-attended meeting.
Grant of new US patent for Hybrid True Potato Seed development
januari 13, 2020

Grant of new US patent for Hybrid True Potato Seed development

Solynta today announced the grant of U.S. Patent Serial No. 10,524,436 entitled ‘Hybrid Potato Breeding’. The patent claims Solynta’s methods of producing potato inbreds and hybrids that are propagated from true seed.


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