Social Media

PotatoPro makes extensive use of Social Media. Our Social Media activity is focused on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, although we do have a presence on additional platforms.

We really appreciate it if you connect with us on one or more of these platforms!

Follow PotatoPro on Twitter!

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PotatoPro has over 10.000 followers on Twitter.

Every news item we post on the website is also posted on Twitter. In addition, we Retweet several other posts related to the potato industry.

Connect with us PotatoPro on LinkedIn!

Click on this image to join the PotatoPro on LinkedIn Group

PotatoPro manages a LinkedIn Group, "PotatoPro - Potato Industry discussion group".

With 5700+ members, this is the largest LinkedIn group focused specifically on potatoes and potato processing.

We post items sparingly as not to overload the audience. Priority is given to items with a (food) business angle.

Increasingly we use the personal profile of the founder of PotatoPro, Paul van Eijck (8500 connections), as it offers benefits compared to posting in a group. You are invited to connect

Facebook (Page)
Like PotatoPro on Facebook!

Click on this image to like PotatoPro on Facebook

PotatoPro has a Page on Facebook, with over 2500 likes. Priority is given to 'local' items and items related to potato that might interest a more general audience.

Follow PotatoPro on Instagram!

Click on this image to follow PotatoPro on Instagram

Still fresh PotatoPro recently added Instagram to its Social Media presence. Join in!
Followers 1000+

Last updated in March 2021