in het Verenigd Koninkrijk


Tek-Dry Systems Ltd.

Established in 1990, Tek-Dry Systems are a leading global supplier of high quality, bespoke, thermal process equipment. Tek-Dry Systems have recently moved into new, modern premises, with the aim of extending their reach and enhancing their reputation.

Dodman Limited

Dodman Limited is a family business and has a base of highly skilled engineers in projects, design, manufacture, site services, health & safety, and innovation.

Haith Group

The Haith Group, founded in 1964, is a UK-based designer and producer of vegetable handling equipment. Haith, which has over 70 years of experience, specializes in root vegetable and potato processing gear such as grading, washing, bulk handling, weighing, pre-pack systems, and water treatment solutions.

Orbital Food Machinery

Orbital Food Machinery – worldwide suppliers & purchasers of food processing machinery, packaging machinery, and refrigeration equipment to the food industry.

Planet Dryers Ltd

Planet Dryers Ltd are specialist manufacturers of industrial dryers, roasters, coolers, and ancillary machinery for various food and non-food applications.


Starfrost is a leading provider of cooling solutions for the global food processing industry.

Tek-Dry Systems Ltd.

Established in 1990, Tek-Dry Systems are a leading global supplier of high quality, bespoke, thermal process equipment. Tek-Dry Systems have recently moved into new, modern premises, with the aim of extending their reach and enhancing their reputation.
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Welvent Limited

Welvent offers cooling and refrigeration systems for the storage of potatoes. Their latest series of 4000 controls represents the ultimate in control for a refrigerated store.


FILTER (bij sector)
    • Apparatuur voor aardappelverwerking
      • Aardappelwassers
      • Optische Sorteermachines
      • Elektroporatie (Pulsed Electric Field Processing)
      • Apparatuur voor vormen en portioneren
      • Industriële bakovens
      • Apparatuur voor het opbrengen van batter
      • Extruders (voor Snacks)
      • Apparatuur voor het toevoegen van kruiden en specerijen
      • Afvalverwerking
      • scheidingsapparatuur
      • Palletiseermachines
    • Retailers
    • Onderzoek en ontwikkeling (R&D)
    • Laboratiumapparatuur
    • Brancheorganisaties
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