Alle Bedrijven aktief in de aardappelindustrie in Portugal


Advice.AgriBusiness is a Portuguese company established in 2012 selling seed potato (STET varieties), vegetable seeds and equipment to grade, clean and store potatoes, carrots, and onions.

Agromais CRL

Agromais CRLis an organization of Vegetable and Cereal producers based out of Portugal.

Bairralimentar, lda

Bairralimentar is a company in Portugal that is dedicated to the production and sale of potato chips (sliced, straw and wavy), sweet potato and popcorn.


Campotec, a company based on the west coast of Portugal, buys and sells fruit (pomoideae and prunoideae), potatoes and pre-packaged agricultural produce

Consortium 'Batata Primor de Portugal'

Association of Portugese Potato Companies to promote export

EnergyPulse Systems lda

They are an equipment manufacturer for the food industry specialized in Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) equipment. They design and make the PEF generators. They are active in several food industries like wine , apples, olive oil and also potatoes processing.
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Eurobatata Comercio Produtos Alimentares Lda.

Eurobatata is a Portugese company offering seed potatoes, packed table potatoes as well as onions and garlic. Since 2000, Agrico has collaborated with Eurobatata in Portugal to offer new and existing potato varieties into the local market. This alliance aims to promote sustainable growth and breakthroughs in potato cultivation. By combining Agrico's seed potato expertise with Eurobatata's local experience, the alliance hopes to fulfill the changing demands of Portuguese growers while also contributing to the region's potato industry development.

HZPC Portugal Lda

HZPC Portugal Lda is a location of HZPC Holland BV

IPM Portugal

IPM Potato Group Limited, formerly known as Irish Potato Marketing Limited (IPM) is a seed potato company in Ireland and the largest exporter of protected varieties from the United Kingdom. IPM is a subsidiary of Donegal Investment Group plc.


Keymac - Comércio de Equipamentos Industriais, Lda, headquartered in Leiria, Portugal, specializes in supplying industrial equipment solutions for a variety of industries, including food, non-food, polymers, and industrial refrigeration.

Oro Agri

Since it's inception in 2002, Oro Agri has developed, manufactured and marketed a range of agrochemical products for global distribution. They deal in crop protection and yield enhancing solutions.

Porbatata (Portugese Potato Association)

Porbatata, the Potato Association of Portugal, is to represent the interests of the whole potato sector in Portugal and to be a unique and active voice of the sector, uniting production, marketing and industry.
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SEED, European Export and Distribution Society

SEED, European Export and Distribution Society, is a commercial company of excellence, in the agricultural sector, in which the potato stands out. They are present in its various segments, from the importation of seed potatoes


Spall's is a potato Snack manufacturer based out of Portugal


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