Alle Bedrijven aktief in de aardappelindustrie in Cuba

Alimport Cuba

Alimport Cuba works with Agrico to import high-quality seed potatoes that are customized to the needs of local farmers. These seed potatoes are one of the key products imported by the company.

Institute of Plant Biotechnology (IBP)

The Institute of Plant Biotechnology (IBP) of the Central University 'Marta Abreu' of Las Villas belongs to the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba. It was founded on November 19, 1992.

Plant Health Research Institute (INISAV)

The Institute, as an entity of the Ministry of Agriculture, in accordance with current legal regulations, fulfills the function of carry out research on plant health, as a basis for the scientific - technological and methodological basis of the country's agricultural production.


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    • Retailers
    • Onderzoek en ontwikkeling (R&D)
    • Laboratiumapparatuur
    • Brancheorganisaties
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