Jyoti Group

Jyoti Group mainly deals in Major nutrient and Secondary nutrient fertilizers.

K K Orchard

K. K. Orchard is a global supplier of quality sweet potato varieties. K.K. Orchard is a company that provides full-service sweet potato production, manufacturing, storage, and distribution in Taiwan. They have Asia's largest sweet potato fry-producing loins and distribute products worldwide. To produce a natural and delicious product, they use healthy seeding and green agriculture to plant sweet potatoes. Each sweet potato takes approximately a year to complete. Through five steps and sixteen tiers of procedure. Their farm grows three types of sweet potatoes: yellow sweet potato (TaiNon No. 57), red sweet potato (TaiNon No. 66), and purple sweet potato (TaiNon No. 73). They are planted using safe and healthy seeding, planting green, and no persistent pesticides.

Karunia Agro Karo

Karunia Agro Karo is a company based in North Sumatra, Indonesia. The company offers fresh vegetables including potatoes.

Katek Fertilizers Australia

Katek’s fertilizer products are supplied across Australia through a wide chain of agronomists and agri resellers for both the conventional and Organically Certified grower markets.

Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS)

Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) is the government parastatal whose responsibility is to assure the quality of agricultural inputs and produce to prevent adverse impact on the economy, the environment and human health.


Kisten Mevrouw is the largest box marketplace for new and used boxes for potato storage.
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KlimTop Controls

Manufacturer of aeraulic and refrigeration equipment in the agricultural and agri-food sectors in Hardifort, France. The company offers refrigeration units dedicated to apple storage building of vegetables with turnkey, ready-to-install installations solutions.

Kreglinger Europe N.V.

Kreglinger Europe is one of the rare independent specialists in the European ingredients business and also plays a major role in potato crop protection.

Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO)

Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO) is a National level Cooperative Society of India engaged in fertilizer production and distribution.

Kruizinga Fresh Produce

Kruizinga Fresh Produce purchase the potatoes ourselves and process them into a ready-to-cook product. They do this in their own potato peeler, where they process the potatoes fresh every day.

La Patata Dal Cuore Veneto

La Patata Dal Cuore Veneto is a certified potato supplier located in Italy/

La Patate Lac-Saint-Jean

The mission of Patate Lac-Saint-Jean, a cooperative of 5 member farms in Quebec Canada, is to research and develop potato cultivars to market quality seed potatoes to its customers.
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Landmark Irrigation

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Lane Farms

Lane farm is specializing in Generation 3 (FY4) certified seed potatoes. Seed in grown in compliance with Oregon's strict seed certification standards, and this farm resides in an "isolated district", reducing disease and improving crop quality.

Larsen Farm

Larsen Farm grows, store, process, and even transport their own potatoes, they can ensure the highest quality and tightest costs at every step of the process.


Larsviken, is located in the small village of Viken in northwestern Skåne. The heart of their company is agriculture, but there is also a farm shop with an associated online shop, sales of seed potatoes, onions, flower bulbs and tubers on the farm.


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