in Ontario

McCain Foods Limited

McCain Foods Limited is an international leader in the frozen food industry and the world’s largest manufacturer of frozen potato specialities, employing approximately 18,000 people and operating 50 production facilities on six continents.

Nutriag Canada Ltd.

Nutriag USA Ltd. is pioneering the future of agriculture through the development of scientifically enhanced crop nutrition and agricultural technology. The company have range of fertilizers,biologicals and micronutrients which they supply globally.


NutriAnalytics is a powerful proprietary DaaS (Data as a Service) platform that leverages standard tissue testing methods but runs the results through its proprietary SABI algorithm and machine learning to make accurate, crop-specific nutrient recommendations and yield class Predictions.

Ontario Potato Dist. Alliston Inc.

Ontario Potato Dist. (Alliston) Inc.'s primary activity is potato farming, packing, storage, and distribution. Since its inception almost 50 years ago.

Potatoes in Canada

Potatoes in Canada is geared to potato producers across the country Canada and focuses on agronomic research and industry-related topics, including breeding, seeding, crop protection, crop nutrition, farm equipment and market insights.

Presia Ag Insights

Presia Ag Insights is a subsidary of McCain Foods. Presia is developing crop monitoring tools using various remote sensing and satellite data and offer insights specific to potato health and quality, harvest planning, and regenerative agriculture.
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Sauble Creek Seed Potatoes Co.

The Holm family has been farming in Bruce and Grey counties since 1874. From the year 2000 they expanded their farming operation to include the growing and harvesting of potatoes.


Scotiabank serves thousands of customers, families, and communities across the globe, helping them achieve success through advice, products, and services. They provide financial services to growers in the industry.

Spornado Inc. - Disease Alert System

Spornado Sampler is an effective, low-cost tool for growers to better predict crop disease, and take preventative action. The application of pesticide is typically based on Decision Support Systems (DSS)

Sunrise Potato Storage Ltd.

Sunrise Potato Storage Ltd. is a family operated potato farm in Alliston, Ontario, Canada producing seed potatoes and potatoes for chipping.

Syngenta Canada

Syngenta is a leading, science-based agtech company, helping millions of farmers around the world grow safe and nutritious food, while taking care of the planet.

Vanden Bussche Irrigation

Vanden Bussche Irrigation was incorporated in 1954 to service the irrigation needs of the agriculture market in Southwestern Ontario. For over a decade, Vanden Bussche Irrigation has been providing full service irrigation consulting, design, installation and post-sale service to a variety of overseas agriculture clients.
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Vive Crop Protection

At Vive, they create new ways to use proven crop protection products using their targeted Allosperse Delivery System, which improves the targeting and performance of pesticide active ingredients.

WD Potato Limited

WD Potato Limited is a family-run business located in the beautiful town of Beeton Ontario. WD Potato Limited is a Canadian-based company offering transportation to potato chip processors between Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, PEI, and parts of the United States.


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