in Italië


Agriverde is an Italian agricultural cooperative that cultivates and distributes 100% Italian potatoes for industrial processing and fresh consumption.

La Maggiora

OP Agriverde

Agriverde offers a diverse range of products, including industrial potatoes and fresh consumption potatoes, tailored to meet varied market demands. The organization emphasizes improving production quality and efficiency while optimizing costs to increase the commercial value of its members' products.

Romagnoli F.lli SpA

Romagnoli F.lli SpA is one of Italy's foremost processors and marketers of fruits and vegetables, especially potatoes. Based in Bologna, its 65 employees work in modern systems and structures.

SOP - Società Ortofrutticola Polignanese

The company SOP has its operational headquarter in Polignano a Mare (BA) and deals with the processing and marketing of fruits and vegetables.

Zanarini Srl

Zanarini Srl is an independent family business. Zanarini does commerce and distribution of agricultural raw materials. Potatoes are one of their core products.
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