Tajfun is a medium-early variety that enjoys good reputation. Its large, almost perfectly oval tubers with a yellow, slightly rough skin and shallow eyes hide a tasty, light yellow flesh that does not darken after cooking. In addition, the variety is resistant to viruses, potato eelworm, and black scab.
This type of potato can be grown organically without dusting. Tajfun potato tubers show good storability. According to the culinary classification, it is an all-purpose potato with a slightly higher starch content, which makes them slightly floury. This type of flesh is recommended for preparation of chips (French fries), potato pancakes and hash brown.
The rather compact flesh allows to use Tajfun potatoes for crisps, freezing, and salad ingredient. They are suitable for the preparation of various types of potato dumplings and a puree. Tajfun is a drought tolerant variety, medium sensitivity to metribuzin.


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