Variety Name: PicassoRights Holder | Breeder: GEBR. HOLSTEINCountry of Origin: NederlandYear of of introduction: 1994Parentage: CARA
Variety Description
Maincrop ware variety with yellow skin, prominent red eyes, good common scab resistance, and suitable for long-term storage.
General purpose
High yielding
Good drought tolerance
Good tolerance against bruising and damage
Plant and tuber
Maturity: Maincrop
Tuber shape: Oval
Flesh Colour: Light Yellow
Tuber size: Large
Skin colour: Other
Flower colour: White
News for this Potato Variety
november 06, 2018
Potato variety presentations in the Netherlands: Agrico highlights natural resistance to Phytophthora
As part of the potato variety presentations in the Netherlands later this week, Agrico highlights its late blight resistant varieties in a Ukraine themed show.
november 11, 2017
Agrico presenteert 10 nieuwe rassen tijdens 'Portugese' show
Donderdag 9 november jl. opende Agrico haar jaarlijkse rassen- en zaailingenpresentatie bij haar kweek- en researchbedrijf Agrico Research in Bant. Jan van Hoogen presenteerde tien nieuwe rassen die onlangs zijn opgenomen op de Nationale Rassenlijst.