Variety Name: OpalRights Holder | Breeder: Country of Origin: Poland PolenYear of of introduction: 1961
Opal is a medium early crisp variety. Excellent product quality after cold and long-term storage. It is also suitable for the production of dehydrated products. Small, oval tubers with light yellow flesh color. Resistant to PCN Ro1, Ro4; high resistances to leaf- and tuber blight, black leg, common scab and internal rust spot.

  • Maturity: Medium early
  • Plant type: Stem type
  • Growth habit: Semi-upright
  • Color of flower: Red-violet
  • Foliage development: Rapid, Medium
  • Number of tubers: Medium, High
  • Dormancy: Very high

Tuber Characteristics
  • Tuber shape: Round oval
  • Flesh color: Light yellow
  • Eye depth: Medium
  • Skin color: Yellow
  • Skin characteristic: Netted

  • Nematodes: Ro 1, Ro 4
  • Potato wart disease: Race 1 *
  • Leaf blight: Medium, High
  • Tuber blight: High
  • Rhizoctonia: Medium
  • Black leg: High
  • Common scab: Medium, High
  • Internal rust spot: High
  • Second growth: High
  • Damages: Medium
  • Bruising: Medium, High
  • PVY: Medium, High
  • PVY ntn: High
  • PLRV: Low, Medium

Yield and Quality
  • Market outlet: Crisps
  • Yield: Medium, High
  • Share oversize: Medium, High
  • Share undersize: Low, Medium
  • Dry matter content: Medium
  • Chips quality after harvest: Very good
  • Chips quality after longterm storage: Very good

Companies Offering this Variety