Nemo is a phureja hybrid variety, which combines the vigorous fast-growing nature of original Peruvian potatoes with the hardiness of modern European varieties from the Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae family. It has the golden yellow flesh typical of an Andean phureja. Its uniform cell structure enables it to cook much more quickly.
- Maturity: Medium early
- Main use: Table potato. Type B
- Tuber: Red skin with big yellow eyes, yellow flesh.Variety with uniform long-oval tubers.
- Flesh: Yellow, Cooking type B
- Yield: High yield
- Nematodes: Susceptible
- Virus: PVY Less susceptible, PVX Good
- Common Scab: Fairly good
- Late blight: Good
- Wart disease: Slightly susceptible
- Dormancy: Medium
- Drought: Very Good