
Potato Variety Information

Variety Name: LamokaRights Holder | Breeder: CORNELL UNIVERSITYCountry of Origin: United States Verenigde StatenYear of of introduction: 2011

Variety Description

Lamoka is a chipping variety that produces attractive, round tubers with slightly to moderately textured skin. Tubers exhibit few external defects, but have shown internal necrosis in a few trials.

Production Characteristics

  • Maturity: Late season
  • Yield: High, (0.93 of Atlantic). Plant close at 8" to 9" spacing for processing to avoid over-sizing
  • Tuber set: Low, per plant. Sets fewer tubers than Snowden, but 2 lbs/plant, same as Snowden. This means fewer, but larger tubers per plant. Seems to tolerate dry conditions better than most
  • Nitrogen: 150 lb/a. is recommended for best yields and tuber quality
  • Specific Gravity: 1.088 (lower in Southern states)
  • Diseases: Resistant to common scab, Golden nematode race Ro1, hollow heart, black spot bruise, shatter bruise. May be susceptible to internal necrosis, black leg (Pectobacterium carotovora, formerly Erwinia carotovora, and Dickeya dianthicola) and other soft rot bacteria, especially in storage. Exhibits few external defects
  • Skin, Skin set: Smooth to slightly netted, relatively delicate skin. Robust skin set will require 10 plus days
  • Storage/Dormancy: Long dormancy, one week longer than Atlantic; stores well, if one can avoid exposure to soft rot bacteria
  • Market: A chipping variety with long-term storage potential to replace Snowden
  • Advantages: Excellent chip-color directly from 44 F storage or from 40 F with reconditioning, high yield potential, good resistance to common scab; attractive, uniform tubers; high tuber solids, better chip color than Snowden

Physical Characteristics
  • Plant
    • Habit, canopy: Semi-upright growth habit. Intermediate foliage type. Large vigorous vines with pale green foliage
    • Inflorescence: Medium flowering profusion. Flowers are medium size, distinctive magenta with white tips
    • Stems: Two main stems per plant. Main stems are thinner and have stronger anthocyanin coloration than Snowden
    • Leaves: Light green, intermediate silhouette, absent to weak anthocyanin coloration of the rachis. Medium ovate terminal leaflet, medium size, narrowly ovate lateral leaflet, medium glossiness, no pubescence
  • Tubers
    • Shape: Mostly round, slightly smaller than Atlantic. May become elongated or pear-shaped in larger sizes
    • Eyes: Shallow to intermediate depth, evenly distributed, slightly prominent eyebrows
    • Skin texture: Smooth skinned, bright appearance
    • Skin Color: White to light beige, white at base of eyes
    • Flesh Color: White, no secondary color

Culinary Characteristics

  • Taste/flavor: Medium
  • Texture after cooking: Medium, resists sloughing
  • Uses: While highly touted as a chipping potato, we also recommend it for baking, roasting and grilling. We know of one high-end chef who uses it to make pizza dough
  • Chip color is better than Snowden, even out of 44 F storage; excellent out of long term (8 months) storage
  • High solids means less oil is absorbed during frying Acrylamide level tested lower than Snowden
  • Presentation: As for any white-fleshed potato; resists greying after cooking

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