Potato Variety Information

Variety Name: InovaRights Holder | Breeder: HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ VAN RIJN BVCountry of Origin: Netherlands NederlandYear of of introduction: 1999Parentage: NICOLAxIMPALA

Variety Description

Inova is an early, tasty and firm cooking ware potato with long oval tubers. It mainly targets the Northwestern-European table potato market. The taste, growing characteristics and storability make it an excellent variety which can be distributed throughout the year. Re-import from Egypt, Spain and Italy make this a complete export variety.

  • Category: Fresh market
  • Usage: Consumption
  • Maturity: Early - medium-early
  • Yield: High
  • Foliage: Covering
  • Tuber size: Medium
  • Tuber shape: Oval - long oval
  • Number of tubers: 12-16
  • Skin colour: Yellow
  • Flesh colour: Yellow
  • Cooking type: AB-B
  • Dry matter content: High - 18-20,5%
  • Dormancy period: Medium long
  • Nematodes: Ro 1
  • Wart disease: Resistant to type 1
  • Foliage blight: Medium resistance
  • Tuber blight: Good resistance
  • Common scab: Medium resistance
  • Rhizoctonia: Susceptible
  • Internal defects: Medium resistance

Companies Offering this Variety

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