Botanical Features
- Plants: medium height, semi erect; stems slightly pigmented; wings medium; nodes moderately swollen.
- Leaves: medium green, half close, slightly pubescent on lower surface, no pigmentation on mid-rib and petiole.
- Terminal leaflets: medium ovate, acuminate tip, asymmetrical and acute base; faintly wavy margins.
- Primary leaflets: four pairs, elliptical, acuminate tip, truncate and asymmetrical base.
- Flowers: low to medium profusion; buds strongly pigmented; medium size white corolla, green yellow anthers; peduncule very slightly pigmented.
- Tubers: round to oval; white smooth skin; medium deep to shallow eyes; slightly prominent eyebrows; white flesh.
- Sprouts: spherical; sprout base has weak pubescence and a strong red-violet pigmentation; sprout tip is half-open with medium blue-violet pigmentation and strong pubescence.