Variety Name: DonataRights Holder | Breeder: J.P. DIJKHUISCountry of Origin: Netherlands NederlandYear of of introduction: 1965

The Donata potato is a versatile variety with light yellow skin and flesh. It has an oval shape and smooth texture, making it ideal for boiling, mashing, and baking. Known for its mild, slightly nutty flavor, the Donata potato is resistant to common diseases and has good storage qualities. It thrives in well-drained, fertile soil and is typically harvested in late summer to early fall.


  • Tuber shape: longoval shallow - medium light yellow yellow smooth - netted medium - high
  • Eye depth: shallow - medium
  • Flesh colour: light yellow
  • Skin colour: yellow 
  • Skin: smooth - netted
  • Number of tubers: medium - high
  • Maturity: medium early
  • Cooking Type: B - C
  • Consumption quality: low discolouration after cooking
  • Processing quality: stable colour with high product demand and quality after storage
  • Yield: good, large sized tuber yield; safe dry matter content
  • Youth development: rapid
  • Dormancy: very dormant, suitable for long-term storage

Resistances and Sensitivities

  • PCN: Ro1 (9), Ro4 (9) 
  • Potato wart disease: 1
  • Common scab: low 
  • Spraing: high
  • Bruising: low - medium
  • Mechanical damage: low - medium

Companies Offering this Variety