The 'Colleen' potato is a first early variety, recognized for its versatility and suitability for organic cultivation. Developed by crossing 'Manna' and 'Mizen', it was bred by Teagasc and is managed by the IPM Potato Group Limited.
- Very uniform, short oval tubers with shallow eyes
- Excellent Tuber Blight & good
- Common Scab resistances Late first early /early second early
- Good cooking quality for chips, mash, roasters, bakers.
Tuber Characteristics
- Shape: Short oval
- Skin Color: Yellow
- Flesh Color: Light yellow
- Eye Depth: Shallow
Plant Features
- Maturity: First early
- Height: Short to medium
- Flower Color: White
- Berry Production: Few
Disease and Pest Resistance
- Late Blight on Foliage: Moderate resistance
- Late Blight on Tubers: High resistance
- Common Scab: Moderate resistance
- Blackleg: Susceptible
- Potato Cyst Nematode (Ro1): High resistance
- Potato Virus Y: Low resistance