Variety Name: ChateauRights Holder | Breeder: AGRICO RESEARCH BVCountry of Origin: NederlandYear of of introduction: 2016
Origin and Breeding History
Chateau is a variety that can be considered to be a true 'salad potato’. Salad potatoes need to have a long oval tuber shape, in combination with a firm cooking type.
Chateau is also known for its exquisite taste profile and with that it fits perfectly in the high-quality potato segment.
Agrico presents new potato varieties during Meet and Greet event
Agrico presented two new varieties during an intimate Meet and Greet at its breeding and research farm, Agrico Research in Bant.
november 11, 2017
Agrico presenteert 10 nieuwe rassen tijdens 'Portugese' show
Donderdag 9 november jl. opende Agrico haar jaarlijkse rassen- en zaailingenpresentatie bij haar kweek- en researchbedrijf Agrico Research in Bant. Jan van Hoogen presenteerde tien nieuwe rassen die onlangs zijn opgenomen op de Nationale Rassenlijst.